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Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & FastingSample

Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

DAY 15 OF 18

Who needs to be at Conference? | Chris Breen

This is a trick question, right? I mean the answer seems so obvious, it’s staring us right in the face…

YOU need to be at conference! 🫵

One thing I have clung to about our church’s identity is that we are the church of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Symbolically; the old, the middle aged, and the young if you will. I’ll leave it to you to sort yourselves accordingly.

I believe that we worship a UNIVERSAL God, whose plans for us are not limited to an age group, culture, race, standard of conduct, or socioeconomic background. The Bible depicts the church in the book of Revelation as ALL people worshipping our God.

This is the purpose and call of ALL people - to be in the presence of God, witnesses to the GLORY that follows.

Let me remind you of a very brave woman in the Bible who I admire very much. In Luke 8, a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years, watched as Jesus was practically mobbed by people who wanted to catch a glimpse of Him. Though she had suffered for over a decade with no cure, no hope and no chance at a life different from the one she knew, she took one look at Jesus and was compelled by a nagging thought at the back of her mind, “maybe Jesus..?”

Spurred by sheer faith, not letting excuses or feelings of disqualification stop her, she saw her opportunity to encounter Jesus and she took it, crawling her way through the crowds to touch His garment. On the other side of her small moment of faith was a paradigm-shaking healing that would change her life. In Jesus' own words, “your faith has healed you”. Let’s follow the example of this hero of the faith, this unknown, anonymous, incredible woman.

A few chapters later in Luke 14 we read about a ‘Great Banquet’. The first round of invites go out and people make excuses as to why they can’t come. The master then tells his servant, “Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” Just as the master of the banquet sent his servant to everyone, so too should we extend our invitation to everyone in our world offering them an invitation to sit at the banquet and experience revival.

Who in your world needs to experience revival? This I know for sure, there are people in your world that need to be in the presence of God, that need a touch of God, if only they were invited.

Prayer Focus:

  • Spend time in worship, focusing your attention on Jesus
  • Pray for those that have not yet registered for conference. Pray for any obstacle to be removed and for God to provide a way for them to attend.
  • Ask God who in your world would He like you to invite to conference
Day 14Day 16

About this Plan

Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5. Over the next 14 days, we are preparing our hearts & spirits for revival. Revival calls us to return to our first love, to rekindle the fire of devotion, and to seek the face of God with fervent prayer & repentance. Join us as we pray and fast, consecrating ourselves before God to seek His will.
