"I have a right to be happy!" Really?
"Anyway, we have never been happy together; we can go our separate ways because I have the right to be happy!"
Today, it seems that the Christian life has won new rights: the right to fulfillment, a successful marriage, and personal development. These aspirations are all well and good, but do they have to guide our life choices?
The pursuit of happiness is a perfectly legitimate goal. However, it is also a heavy burden, as it places a quasi-obligation of results on us. Many Christian marriages now have this requirement and its corollary: "If we're not happy, we have the right to divorce and start another union, where we'll achieve happiness."
This solution, however legitimate it may seem, is unfortunately not based on a biblical possibility. When a man and a woman commit to God so that He will bless their union, God also commits to them! But He never promised us a problem-free union.
Of course, if a marriage becomes toxic, psychologically or physically dangerous, it is necessary to protect oneself, sometimes by walking away from the danger. But, except in the case of adultery, Christ is clear on this issue: divorce is not an option He supports.
Happiness in marriage is not a right but the result of hard work.
You are entitled to it!
It is the fruit of a daily willingness to invest in the relationship, to forgive and ask forgiveness, and to choose to fight in the interest of the other person and the couple.
Marriage is an adventure in personal and mutual growth, both emotional and spiritual.
About this Plan

They married, lived happily ever after, and had many children—that is how all fairy tales end. But reality can be very different because we have never been given a couple’s instruction manual! Moreover, we often have preconceived ideas about marriage and married life. Get off to the right start before you get married with these helpful truths!