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Fighting for Peace in Your HomesSample

Fighting for Peace in Your Homes

DAY 4 OF 4

Fighting Lies with God’s Truth

Since the very beginning, the enemy of our souls has hissed, “Did God really say that?” (Genesis 3:1). His goal has always been the same—to deceive humanity. If we are not watchful, our rebellious spirits easily follow him, choosing our own path over God’s prescribed one. We find ourselves redefining God according to what we understand and want. Our hearts become hardened as we stubbornly reject the truth of the hopeless place our sin has put us in, even as we try to figure out our own salvation on our terms.

Because of these attitudes and behaviors, heresies that fade, twist, and morph the truth rise. And left unchecked, they continue and lead to destruction—the worst being the eternal devastation of the unrepentant or ignorant.

But the Lord makes the way to salvation clear in his Word. It is the anvil that breaks all other thoughts colliding with it. It is the foundation that cannot be chipped, broken, or partially used. And this solid foundation is what courageous kids must build their lives upon. Being tossed about by popular thought or exciting whims brings strife, confusion, and doubt. To hear such things as “God is love” without understanding “God is holy” is only part of the story. Our children will face reality, and only the whole gospel adequately addresses it.

When the Israelites returned to worshipping the Lord, as described in the book of Nehemiah, Ezra brought out the Book of the Law and read it to the people. They began weeping as they learned how far they had fallen from God’s plan. But Ezra and the other leaders persuaded them to stop—it was better to know the truth and know the Lord would strengthen them with his joy. Instead of mourning, they were to celebrate!

When the people returned to their homes, they celebrated by eating and drinking and by sharing their food with those in need, because they had understood what had been read to them.

Nehemiah 8:12 (CEV)

When our children understand the whole truth and why they believe, they too can celebrate. Their foundation will be secure, not easily shaken by every hit from the deceiver. They will be courageous in their faith.

The path to our families getting this right may seem daunting but don’t grieve or be discouraged. Measure ideologies against the Bible. Verify even the most popular leaders’ teachings against what God says. Question and research ideas with your kids, showing them you are learning, too. Seek out good teaching and discipline. And, of course, pray about it all. The Lord will give wisdom to the submissive heart.


Lord, please keep my children and me on the right path. Don’t let us fall prey to false teaching. Please give me wisdom as we learn your ways together. Amen.


Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): What are some things about God or the Bible that you don’t understand? What have you heard about Christianity that doesn’t sound right to you?

Apply: This is a good opportunity to encourage your kids to be honest. Doubts are natural to experience and should not be put down but rather explored. Do it together by reading and discussing God’s Word!


Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand their Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Deuteronomy 4:1-2

2 Timothy 3:16-17


Tonia Gutting wrote this devotional for the Hero Squad Program of the American Bible Society. Hero Squad provides complimentary faith-based resources to strengthen and encourage Military families through God’s Word. For more information or to enroll your Military family, check out our

Day 3