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Strengthening Your Family Through Shared PurposeSample

Strengthening Your Family Through Shared Purpose

DAY 1 OF 6

Day 1: The Principle of Purpose

Purpose answers the question: “Why do I exist?”

At its core, purpose goes beyond daily routines, providing the force that propels you forward in life, guiding every action and giving meaning to who you are. It helps answer the question, 'Why do I exist?' Everyone has an identity, and within that identity lies a unique purpose, empowering individuals to live beyond themselves and fulfill a greater mission in life. Take Jesus's instruction, for instance, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...' (Matthew 28:19-20); it communicates the overall mission of God’s people. Simply put, your purpose is your mission, the place from which goals and ambitions arise, inspiring you to live out what matters most.

In our previous Bible Plan, [FamilyID Identity], we discussed Identity and Core Values. If you haven’t completed it yet, pause and read it first! This will be a key component in beginning the discovery process of your purpose, and your family’s purpose. To uncover the truth of purpose, you must first understand the truth of your identity. Before answering the question of why we exist, you must first answer the question about who you are. In asking that question, start exploring your identity by defining your Core Values. Are you fun and great at spreading joy? Do you love to help around the house or in the classroom? Reflect and bring God into the process of getting to know yourself; He'll reveal those core values, making identifying your family's values and purpose easier.

Purpose brings depth to your identity; it's the meaningful mission that provides a narrative connecting the different aspects of life, bringing clarity, significance, and passion to who we are and how we live. Purpose is what sets our feet—it stabilizes us and helps determine the direction we’re needing to go in life. Purpose fuels our ambitions and inspires us to be proactive and passionate about the adventure ahead. Purpose enables and empowers us to go after and pay attention to the right things in life: the things that genuinely and resonate with our values and aspirations.

Those important values and aspirations that you’ve been thinking about—they didn’t come by accident. God put those dreams and desires in you when He created you. Colossians 1:16 says, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” As we walk with God, He shapes our hearts to look more like His. If you get good at asking God about His plans, He'll provide answers far better than your own. God gives us goals, and it’s through His strength and authority that these goals are met, progressively fulfilling our purpose over time.

Imagine someone deeply purposeful about conserving our planet. They set a goal to reduce household waste and live sustainably, researching eco-friendly practices and making conscious choices. Each action contributes to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, reinforcing their commitment to planet earth. Meaningful goals align with purpose and become practical expressions of values and aspirations, creating a life lived on purpose, with purpose. In the book of Job, we read, “I see that you are able to do everything, and to give effect to all your designs.” (Job 42:2) Another translation of this same verse reads: "I know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable.” This verse points out the undeniable truth that God designed the entire universe—you and your family included—and there is nothing, nor no one that can stop His plans for your lives.

Every individual is created with unique talents, strengths, and a distinct calling. Purpose involves recognizing and embracing these qualities to fulfill one's unique role in the world, contributing to the community, excelling in a specific profession, or nurturing meaningful relationships. Talk to God today about why you exist. Your divine purpose unfolds gradually as you align your life with His will, shaping a life lived authentically, intentionally, and meaningfully.

In essence, purpose makes a good story good, providing direction and significance. Without purpose, we wander, and we wonder. Don’t let another day go by—talk to God today and ask Him about why you exist. There’s a divine purpose for all of us—It's an important part of our story that over time, God reveals to us little by little as we line up our lives with His will. Your purpose will continue to evolve and take shape through personal growth and experiences, helping you build a life that is lived with authenticity, intention, and meaning.

  1. Can you identify specific actions or goals that resonate with your values and passions?
  2. How do you envision your unique qualities and strengths contributing to a greater mission or purpose in life?
  3. In what ways can your identity be aligned with a meaningful mission that brings depth and significance to your life?
  4. How has your faith or spiritual beliefs influenced your understanding of purpose?
  5. How can you live with purpose in practical ways, both within your personal life and in contributing to the world around you?
Day 2

About this Plan

Strengthening Your Family Through Shared Purpose

Discover your God-given purpose and learn how to cultivate a Christ-centered family mission that answers, "Why am I here?" This six-day plan explores how each member shapes your household's purpose. Through biblical wisdom, you'll gain insights to align your family with God's purpose and build a strong home that reflects His love.
