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Sexting Temptation VictorySample

Sexting Temptation Victory

DAY 3 OF 6


Next, let us look at two characters in the Bible and their handling of wasteful conversations. Let me start with a positive example of Nehemiah. He had a Government job in Persia. He took a long leave from his boss – the King. He led a team to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem. While he was busy with work, a group of people – local leaders named Sanballat and Geshem and the rest – came to meet with him. They wanted to talk to him. The venue for this meeting was the plains of Ono. What was Nehemiah’s response to that Ono Conference invitation? He basically said, “Oh no – I am not coming to the plains of Ono!” He said, ‘I’m doing a great work; I can’t come down. Why should the work come to a standstill just so I can come down to see you?’(Neh. 6:2-3, MSG). When they repeated their invitation to have conversations of distraction with him, four times, he repeated his ‘no’ with great fervour and absolute fearlessness (Neh. 6:4)!  Basically, Nehemiah did not have the time for wasteful talk! And to think this was his standard, even while talking with a bunch of men, reminds us for the taller standards of restraint we must show-forth when it comes to conversations with the opposite sex, who supposedly have so many thousands of extra-words to speak on an average day than men!! So, the example of Nehemiah from Nehemiah 6, inspires us to hit sexting for a six (that imagery is from the game of Cricket, by-the-way)!!

Not only Nehemiah, Lot is an example for us in this regard! He was “vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked,” Apostle Peter writes (2 Pet. 2:7 KJV). What was the particular conversation of the wicked that vexed Lot? We must hit the rewind-button in our Bibles to recall that. We must turn to the Old Testament to get the answer. There, we come across this conversation the stiff-necked homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah had with Lot. When he gave shelter at his home to the angelic visitors to his sinful city, the men of Sodom told him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them" (Gen. 19:5 NIV). Lot got put off by this brazenly sinful request and is therefore called “righteous” by Peter in the New Testament (2 Pet 2:7). That brings me to this conclusion: one way, a believer demonstrates his righteousness, freely given to him by Christ, is to shun sexting and all modern forms of ‘filthy conversation’. 

Day 2Day 4