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Reflections From God's Story of HopeSample

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

DAY 96 OF 100

The Future Earthly Kingdom of Jesus Christ

Following His return with power and glory, Jesus will fulfill the Old Testament promises to Israel of a Davidic king and worldwide kingdom by reigning over the earth for 1000 years.

For centuries, God’s prophets (including David, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, and Zechariah) spoke of the Millennium—a 1,000-year reign of the Messiah as if they believed it would be a literal, lengthy kingdom on earth.

“God’s kingdom will topple, crush, and finish off the other kingdoms for good.” (Daniel)

“You are my Son. I will give you the nations for a present, the far reaches of the earth as a gift.” (David)

“Every person on earth will see the glory of the Lord.” (Isaiah)

“David’s descendant will bring safety and security to Israel and Judah.” (Jeremiah)

“Weapons of destruction will be made into farm tools; all will enjoy peace and prosperity.” (Micah)

“The LORD will attack . . . on that day He will stand on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem.” (Zechariah)

“Your son, Mary, will be great. God will give Him David’s throne to rule Israel’s kingdom forever.” (Luke)

Even Jesus, when together with His followers for the last time, did not negate the future kingdom. They asked if He would restore the kingdom to Israel then or at another time. He replied, “The time is not for you to know, the timing is up to the Father.”

According to Jesus’ follower John, who knew his Master’s kingdom was still to come, someone might describe its coming like this:

“An angel descended from heaven, carrying the key to the bottomless pit and a massive chain. He seized the Dragon that old Snake—the very Devil, Satan himself—binding him in chains for 1,000 years. The angel locked him in the pit so he could not deceive the nations during those thousand years.

“Jesus took His throne and others took lesser thrones to rule with Him. Those who were martyred because they stood for Jesus and God’s Word, refusing to worship the beast, were brought to life and reigned with Jesus, also. Those who experience this, the first resurrection, are blessed indeed, for the second death has no power over them. They are God’s priests—Christ’s priests—who reign with Him 1,000 years.

“But after the thousand years, Satan will be released for a short time.”

Day 95Day 97

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Reflections From God's Story of Hope

Listen to professional recordings of all 100 narratives from the book, Reflections from God's Story of Hope—an audio journey (6½ hours total) through the Bible's Big Story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation. The audio narratives interweave music, sound effects, and dramatic voices from 20 professional voice actors.
