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Growing in Faith During Your Baby's First Year - a 6 Day DevotionalSample

Growing in Faith During Your Baby's First Year - a 6 Day Devotional

DAY 1 OF 6

Beholding and Becoming

Nothing compares to that first moment you hold your wriggling, warm

baby in your arms. The exhilaration and pure delight are unlike anything

else you will ever feel. By the kindness and mercy of God, I’ve experienced

this six times, and I can tell you, it never gets old. Aside from my wedding

day, these are the six best moments in my life so far.

Having had the privilege of walking this road before, I can testify

that it’s a time of strenuous demands on our bodies and hearts. Every

new child has brought a period of disequilibrium (like that dizzy feeling

you get after riding a roller coaster) as I’ve adjusted to the new demands

of adding another soul to our family. Whether you’re welcoming your

first baby or your fifth, it can be difficult to maintain regular, close, daily

time with God with everything off balance: our routines, hormones,

emotions—in short, our normal. Regaining both our balance and regular

time spent in the Word can be challenging.

As disorienting as the first year can be, it is also a time of rare beauty

and wonder. There is nothing quite as breathtaking as a newborn: a new

life, a new soul, a beautiful possibility whose days are yet unwritten. Like

that roller coaster that takes your breath away, that first year—and

the swift pace at which your little one develops—is unlike any other point

in their lives. First smiles, first laughs, first scoots and crawls melt your heart.

This amazing life blossoming in front of your eyes is no accident,

but a carefully and thoughtfully designed creation of God. God has given

you the incredibly high and holy calling of motherhood. Whether you are

crossing the motherhood threshold for the very first time or approaching

it again, your charge is no less sacred. You have been called to mother this

beautiful child: to pray over, to cherish, and to nurture this incredible

trust given to you.

These days deserve remembering. Despite all the challenges, take the

time to record those fleeting glimpses of wonder that lead us back to the

heart of God. Record the prayers that set the tone for your child’s life. You

will cherish these. Finally, lean into your God-given calling of motherhood,

a mission of incredible importance.

While you are watching in wonder as that little marvel develops

before your eyes, I want to lead you to also watch with equal wonder the

ways of your God. I want you to, in the words of that wonderful, old hymn

“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” “look full in His wonderful face.” These are

the days we hold our little ones in our arms, admiring every facet and

detail of them—watching them, cherishing them, beholding them. It is with

this same feeling of awe and wonder that I want to lead you to God within

these devotionals. As the psalmist David wrote, “My heart says to you,

‘Your face, Lord, do I seek’ ” (Psalm 27:8 ESV). What would it mean to spend a

year marveling at the face of God? What a beautiful way to begin your calling

to mother this particular child.

For moms of infants, the days (and nights) can be full. We don’t have

the luxury of much quiet time or even alone time. We learn to fit it in

when and where we can. For me, many a nursing session has become

prayer time. While washing dishes, I often meditate on a single verse of

Scripture thoughtfully and prominently placed at the window over the

sink. Coffee and Bible go hand in hand. And when I haven’t been able to

balance both my gigantic study Bible and an infant, reading the Word

on an e-reader or phone works in a pinch. I’ve learned to feed my soul

through worship music or a Christian podcast while folding laundry or

taking the baby for a walk. In short, as moms, we must be creative and

snatch time with Jesus whenever and wherever we can.

The first year of your infant’s life will be full of wonderful moments:

from first snuggles and smiles to those adorable, if not clumsy, attempts

your baby makes to sit without toppling over to messy experiments with

solid foods. While your wonder and awe of your constantly changing little

one grows, I hope your heart also grows in gratitude for our unchanging

God. As you study every little detail of the babe in your arms, from that

dimpled chin down to those kissable toes, I hope you’ll also be drawn

to notice the nuances of our God and worship the One who created and

sustains that little wonder.

So put up your feet for a moment, dear Mama, and let’s take a few

minutes together to enjoy the wonder of God and this new little life given

to you. The year will go fast, but God has called us to seize and savor

the day.

-Catherine Claire Larson

Author of Watching in Wonder: Growing in Faith During Your Baby's First Year


Day 2