Praying the Names of God for 5 Daysනියැදිය

Praying the Names of God for 5 Days

DAY 1 OF 5


Elohim is the Hebrew word for God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible. When we pray to Elohim, we remember that he is the one who began it all, creating the heavens and the earth and separating light from darkness, water from dry land, night from day. This ancient name for God contains the idea of God’s creative power as well as his authority and sovereignty. Jesus used a form of the name in his agonized prayer from the cross. “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’—which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ ” (Psalm 22:1 NIV).

God Reveals His Name in Scripture: Genesis 1

Open your personal Bible translation and read the same passage. Make a note to yourself or use a simple mark in your Bible every time ELOHIM is the name God uses for Himself.

In the beginning Elohim created heaven and earth.

2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The Ruach Elohim was hovering over the water.

3 Then Elohim said, “Let there be light!” So there was light. 4 Elohim saw the light was good. So Elohim separated the light from the darkness. 5 Elohim named the light day, and the darkness he named night. There was evening, then morning—the first day.

6 Then Elohim said, “Let there be a horizon in the middle of the water in order to separate the water.” 7 So Elohim made the horizon and separated the water above and below the horizon. And so it was. 8 Elohim named what was above the horizon sky. There was evening, then morning—a second day.

9 Then Elohim said, “Let the water under the sky come together in one area, and let the dry land appear.” And so it was. 10 Elohim named the dry land earth. The water which came together he named sea. Elohim saw that it was good. 11 Then Elohim said, “Let the earth produce vegetation: plants bearing seeds, each according to its own type, and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds, each according to its own type.” And so it was. 12 The earth produced vegetation: plants bearing seeds, each according to its own type, and trees bearing fruit with seeds, each according to its own type. Elohim saw that they were good. 13 There was evening, then morning—a third day.

14 Then Elohim said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night. They will be signs and will mark religious festivals, days, and years. 15 They will be lights in the sky to shine on the earth.” And so it was. 16 Elohim made the two bright lights: the larger light to rule the day and the smaller light to rule the night. He also made the stars. 17 Elohim put them in the sky to give light to the earth, 18 to dominate the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. Elohim saw that it was good. 19 There was evening, then morning—a fourth day.

20 Then Elohim said, “Let the water swarm with swimming creatures, and let birds fly through the sky over the earth.” 21 So Elohim created the large sea creatures, every type of creature that swims around in the water and every type of flying bird. Elohim saw that they were good. 22 Elohim blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the sea, and let there be many birds on the earth.” 23 There was evening, then morning—a fifth day.

24 Then Elohim said, “Let the earth produce every type of living creature: every type of domestic animal, crawling animal, and wild animal.” And so it was. 25 Elohim made every type of wild animal, every type of domestic animal, and every type of creature that crawls on the ground. Elohim saw that they were good.

26 Then Elohim said, “Let us make humans in our image, in our likeness. Let them rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the domestic animals all over the earth, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”

27 So Elohim created humans in his image.
In the image of Elohim he created them.
He created them male and female.

28 Elohim blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”

29 Elohim said, “I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food. 30 I have given all green plants as food to every land animal, every bird in the sky, and every animal that crawls on the earth—every living, breathing animal.” And so it was.

31 And Elohim saw everything that he had made and that it was very good. There was evening, then morning—the sixth day.

Understanding the Name

Elohim (e-lo-HEEM) is the plural form of El or Eloah, one of the oldest designations for divinity in the world. The Hebrews borrowed the term El from the Canaanites. It can refer either to the true God or to pagan gods. Though El is used more than 200 times in the Hebrew Bible, Elohim is used more than 2,500 times. Its plural form is used not to indicate a belief in many gods but to emphasize the majesty of the one true God. He is the God of gods, the highest of all. Christians may also recognize in this plural form a hint of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Elohim occurs thirty-two times in the first chapter of Genesis. After that the name Yahweh appears as well and is often paired with Elohim and, in the NIV, the two together are translated “the Lord God.”

Connecting to the Name

  1. “Genesis” is a word that can mean “birth,” “history of origin,” or “genealogy.” What can you observe about who God is from this passage about beginnings?
  2. What can you observe about the world Elohim has made?
  3. God gave human beings dominion over the earth. How might we honor the Creator in your stewardship of the earth?
  4. In what ways do you enjoy and benefit from creation every day?
  5. Since God made us in his image, he has instilled in us creative power. What are your creative gifts?
  6. Elohim seems delighted by what he has made, proclaiming it good and even very good. How does God’s assessment of creation shape your own attitude toward the world? Toward yourself?
  7. What do you think it means to be created in “the image of God?” How would your life change if you lived with the constant awareness that he created you to bear his image?

Praying God's Name with a Passage

Set all your desire on knowing God as David did in this psalm. Spend a few moments reflecting on God, your mighty Creator. Then pray through Psalm 63:1-4 focusing your mind and heart on Elohim.

“O Elohim, you are my Elohim.

At dawn I search for you.

My soul thirsts for you.

My body longs for you

In a dry, parched land where there is no water.

So I look for you in the holy place

To see your power and your glory.

My lips will praise you

because your mercy is better than life itself.

So I will thank you as long as I live.

I will lift up my hands to pray in your name.”

Praise God: For creating you with longings that will shape your heart toward his.

Offer Thanks: That the Creator God has revealed his greatness in the world he has made.

Confess: Any tendency to allow worldly desires to blunt your longing for the one who made you.

Ask God: To reveal his care and love for you.

Praying the name Elohim for Yourself

Read and then rewrite this passage of Scripture into a personal prayer responding to God’s promise as Creator God, as Elohim, as he dealt with human brokenness and sin.

As you consider the meaning of Elohim, write a prayer specifically focused on the majesty of the creator God described in this passage.

Promises from Elohim

“Don’t be afraid, because I am with you.
Don’t be intimidated; I am your Elohim.
I will strengthen you.
I will help you.
I will support you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“Remember, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will also bring you back to this land because I will not leave you until I do what I’ve promised you.” Genesis 28:15


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About this Plan

Praying the Names of God for 5 Days

The Bible reveals many fascinating names and titles for God that can yield rich insights for Bible study. Experience God in fresh ways by encountering his names and titles in the Scriptures and by learning about the biblical and cultural context in which these were revealed. Based on Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks.
