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Greater HuddlesSample

Greater Huddles

DAY 3 OF 16

Greater Truth


“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” — John 8:32

As a competitor, the pressure to perform often comes from lies, not truth. Lies about your self-worth and your sport's role in your life dominate your thoughts and actions. But there’s a greater Truth that can bring you freedom!



Let’s go around the Huddle and tell three things about ourselves. The catch? One of those things has to be untrue. The rest of us will try to separate the two truths from the one lie.

Q: How difficult was it to tell the difference between the truths and the lie?

Q: In life, do you find it easy or difficult to know what is true and untrue?



There’s been a lot of talk these days about how athletes and coaches shouldn’t be defined by their sport. It’s a positive conversation that has helped free up many competitors from the pressure to perform.

But for those who are still stuck in the performance trap, there’s a nagging feeling that the wins and losses, the statistical outcomes, and the awards and achievements are tied directly to self-worth.

No matter where you land on the performance spectrum, the tension between those two mentalities will always follow you. The good news is that God does not care about your performance. He only cares about your heart.

Q: What are some lies you have been told as an athlete?

Q: What helped you understand the truth about who you are as an athlete?


As Jesus emerged to begin His ministry, the religious leaders didn’t understand the Truth. They didn’t believe God’s Son was standing right before them. They saw Him as a simple carpenter’s son who had little to offer with His teachings.

But Jesus was more than a carpenter’s son. He had been sent to Earth to do away with the old way of religion. Jesus was there to reconnect people with God through a personal relationship. When they didn’t believe Him, Jesus spoke to them again:

“I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12

Sadly, Satan has created the illusion that there are many ways to God, but none of them are based on the Truth of God’s Word. He has done so to confuse people into believing lies and to steer them away from Jesus. It’s like walking in darkness instead of the light.

But when we know the Truth and that Truth gives us freedom from the lies of performance, self-worth, and identity, we can feel protected from the world's lies.

Q: What are some instances where you’ve struggled with self-worth and identity based on your competitive performance?

Q: How do you think embracing the truth of who you are in Christ can change things?



When you embrace the Truth, you will experience freedom from that pressure and better grasp the purpose behind the gifts and talents that God has given you.

Here are three key points to help you remember this powerful concept:

1. Seek Truth. You can find truth in God’s Word—the ultimate source for every question you might have about your identity.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.” — 2 Timothy 3:16

2. Believe in Truth. Don’t just read it; believe it! Have faith that God’s Word is true.

“So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.” — Romans 10:17

3. Live Truth. Allow the Holy Spirit to make God’s Word active and real in your competition and every other area of your life.

“But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” — James 1:22


Pray this prayer sometime during your alone time with God:

“Dear Lord, help me understand the difference between the world’s lies and the greater Truth that Jesus came to share with the world. Give me a stronger desire to study God’s Word and to live by what it says.”

Write down a plan for how you can be more consistent in learning the Truth through daily time in the Bible, and then share it with others!

Day 2Day 4