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What Is God's Kingdom Like?Sample

What Is God's Kingdom Like?

DAY 14 OF 14

The Kingdom of God surpasses everything

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45-46)

Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a very valuable pearl. A merchant who finds it sacrifices everything to get this one supreme pearl. Once he has seen this pearl, everything else pales in comparison.

The apostle Paul is a great example here. He had a lot to boast about, being a blameless and zealous Jew who had kept all of God’s commandments. But, he says, once he got to know Jesus Christ, he understood that these things had no real value. “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord“ (Philippians 3:8). Paul “suffered the loss of all things,“ he faced poverty and persecution and had to travel a lot (long before planes and comfortable cars had been invented…), but he is sure this is worth it since it prepares him for “an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Which “pearl of great value” are you searching for? What is the most important thing in your life that surpasses everything else? You can't take something with you when you die if it is something on earth, but if your treasure is in heaven, it will last forever.

Thank you for completing this reading plan. If you want to learn more about God’s Kingdom, subscribe to our e-course “King of Glory,” and if you would like to subscribe to another reading plan, you can find a list here.

Day 13

About this Plan

What Is God's Kingdom Like?

Jesus invites people into the kingdom of God. This is not an actual physical place. It transcends time and space, which makes it difficult to see what God’s Kingdom exactly is. Let’s read a collection of Bible passages to learn what God’s Kingdom is and how you can inherit it.
