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Life Lessons - PsalmsSample

Life Lessons - Psalms

DAY 1 OF 5


Psalm 1 describes the lives of the righteous vs. the ungodly. Verses 1-3 describe the life the righteous should have. It says, "A righteous person’s delight is in the law of the Lord; he meditates on His law day and night. Living according to the law will make him happy because the Lord blesses whatever he does.”

The Lord will bless us, but we must also maintain a “blessed” life, which means we do not live in sin or partake in sinful deeds (v. 1). We should delight in the word of God, meditate on it, and have a life rooted in the word. God's blessings refer to abundant life. Verse 3 says, "That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” That means that this person can still be strong, live a fruitful life, and be a blessing to other people even when the circumstances around him are difficult.

This is in stark contrast to the life of the ungodly described in verses 4-5, ungodly people who live outside the will of God. The way of the ungodly may look “good” but leads to destruction.

Psalm 2 describes a king who is anointed by God. Though the ungodly try to overthrow him, none can do so because the Lord is the One who lifts him. That's why God's word advises even the rulers or leaders to live in God. Nothing in this world happens without God's knowledge. Nothing is out of His control; therefore, the word of God in verse 11 says, “Worship the Lord with fear..."

Pursue a righteous life in God, for God promises that, “Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.”

Day 2