

DAY 3 OF 32


Scott Staal


“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” — Ephesians 4:15


Exposed. That’s the only way to describe it. No more pretending, faking, or neglecting. I was dangerously weak, and I knew it—and so did my physical therapist. Nearly a decade after major surgery, the pain lingered in my left knee, affecting my daily well-being. Something needed to change.

For comparison, the strength in my strong right leg was measured against my frail left leg. Atrophy and muscle deterioration set in, which inhibited all aspects of life. Yet, in that moment of disappointment, my physical therapist offered words of hope: You can change. A challenge followed: Change takes time; get ready to work.

The same is true for our hearts. God exposes our weakness to reveal reality. Perhaps it’s an area of perpetual sin or lingering doubt. Overlook these for a while, and spiritual atrophy occurs, inhibiting daily function. God’s light shines on the hidden areas of our hearts: It’s not that God can’t see what’s going on.

He shows us, so we understand. Honesty is crucial. An illuminated heart doesn’t pretend, fake, or neglect. It truthfully admits what’s wrong.

Discovering weakness and recognizing failure may produce feelings of insecurity. In those moments, God offers hope. His love never changes so that we can change. Because we are rooted in Him, we can confidently embrace exposure.

It’s more than mere behavior modification—it’s the transformation of our heart’s desires. God is relentlessly committed to transforming every way of our lives to look more like Christ. It can be uncomfortable and painful, but it’s good.

Stay encouraged; there’s hope—you can change. And a challenge—change takes time; get ready to work. As God transforms every way of your life, He is with you every step of the way.


  • Is God exposing an area of your heart that needs to change? 
  • How does knowing that God’s love for you never changes help you change?


Psalm 139:23–24; 2 Corinthians 3:16–18


"Father, expose every way in my heart that You desire to change. I need Your help with this. Transform me to look more like Jesus. Amen."

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About this Plan


The EVERY FCA Devotional features a 31-day reading plan to help coaches and athletes develop a habit of reading the Bible daily and applying it to their lives. For a moment each day, we can dig deep into God's Word and pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
