

DAY 25 OF 32

Jesus Is Greater

Brett Campbell


“He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. We are of the earth, and we speak of earthly things, but he has come from heaven and is greater than anyone else.” — John 3:31–32


Each one of us can identify individuals who have been very influential in our lives. Personally, I had two coaches in high school who were amazing examples of living out their faith in Jesus. As the years go on, I can still feel the impact they had on my life. While my coaches pushed me to be a better baseball player, the most important thing they did was point me to a life with Jesus.

The world of athletics produces some of the most influential people, from impacting their schools or communities to impacting others on a global scale. But our own words and influence only provide temporary benefit to those around us.

As athletes, it is our responsibility to push others to be better in their sport. Yet, in John 3:31–32, we see John the Baptist point those around him to Jesus. John the Baptist proclaims that Jesus is from Heaven, and his testimony is more than anything he, John the Baptist, could offer them. This passage builds upon John the Baptist’s testimony in John 1:29–30, and Jesus affirms this by saying, “The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6:33).

So, like John the Baptist, we must use our influence to proclaim the life-saving power of Jesus Christ to our circle of influence, the people God has placed in our lives.


  • Who is in your circle of influence?  
  • How do you currently use your influence to point others to Jesus?  
  • Write down one way you will point others to Jesus this week.


Ephesians 1:21; Philippians 2:9–11


"Lord, I thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, and through faith in Him reconciling us back to You. I pray that I use the truth of your Gospel to point those around me to a better life with Jesus. I pray for strength, humility, and boldness to do these things for Your glory. Amen."

About this Plan


The EVERY FCA Devotional features a 31-day reading plan to help coaches and athletes develop a habit of reading the Bible daily and applying it to their lives. For a moment each day, we can dig deep into God's Word and pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
