Fervent: Fight Fear With Faith නියැදිය

Fervent: Fight Fear With Faith

DAY 9 OF 90

During these days, pastors across the world have been forcibly separated from their flock. Yet, God can work even this out for His glory and for our good. Even as we pray for God to bring forth a mighty revival, let us make sure to remember and appreciate our church leaders during this time.  They are facing unique challenges.  It’s not easy to shepherd the flock from a distance.  Pastors have not been trained for remote preaching.  Let’s be the Church to one another and encourage each other, including our church leaders! Let us rise up as one, building each other up so that the Lord’s name is lifted up.

Pray for:

• Creativity and wisdom to communicate.

• A deep abiding strength for pastors and their families.

• God to knit church members’ hearts together in Him during this season.

• God to build and establish His Church even as we are physically apart.


About this Plan

Fervent: Fight Fear With Faith

Living through a pandemic that ravages the entire world can be disorienting and frightening given the uncertainties that abound. Yet, God has placed us here for such a time as this to pray fervently and engage in spiritual warfare. Join us on this 90-day devotional on praying fervently during the pandemic.
