Fruit Bowlනියැදිය

In this passage, Jesus is telling the disciples a parable about stewardship. The parable starts off with a rich man informing his steward that he will be relieving him of his duties for mismanaging his master’s resources. A steward is a person who manages the resources of another. Jesus is talking about being a good steward of money, being able to take care and use money in the right way for God.
This passage points out that those faithful in little will be faithful in much. If we can look after the small that we have and be faithful with that then we will be able to be faithful in the big. We must not get carried away with wanting so much so soon. We must be faithful with the small first and learn to manage that well. Similarly, if one is dishonest in little, he will also be dishonest in much. If we can’t be faithful with earthly wealth, which isn’t even ours, to begin with, then how can we be entrusted with true heavenly riches?
In our life today, it can be easy to spend our money, time, and resources on things we don’t even need and this can consume us. Let us be people who manage the little or much we are given wisely, who think about where our resources are going to be spent and commit these things to God. Take time to think: where am I spending most of my money, time, and resources? Think about where it could go to bless or help others around you and how we can be faithful with what we have now.
Lord, I pray that throughout today, I will learn to trust You with everything that I have. I surrender my time, finances, and resources to You. I ask that You show me where to spend it and teach me how to be faithful with what I have now so that I can be faithful with more. I pray that the closer we get to you Lord, the more we will be faithful with what we have and be able to steward this. Amen.
About this Plan

Fruit Bowl is a 9-week deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit put together by the Naujavan community. Jesus said, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is the result of spending quality time with God, allowing Him to shape and form us.” We hope this devotional encourages you to do just that.