Comeback: An Easter Devotional for Kids නියැදිය

Comeback: An Easter Devotional for Kids

DAY 4 OF 8

The Last Supper, Part One

By the Calvary Kids Team

Today, go ahead and read the Bible verses from Exodus 12:12–14 first, and then come back.

Exodus 12:12-14 (NIRV)

"That same night I will pass through Egypt. I will strike down all those born first among the people and animals. And I will judge all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. The blood on your houses will be a sign for you. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No deadly plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. 'Always remember this day. You and your children after you must celebrate this day as a feast to honor the Lord. You must do this for all time to come. It is a law that will last forever.'"

Maybe you know this story and maybe you don’t. In the Old Testament, God had a people called Israel. Israel was in slavery in Egpyt for about 400 years, and God was going to rescue them. The person keeping Israel as slaves, Pharaoh, wouldn’t let them leave, so God sent a plague one night that would kill all the firstborn boys in every house. The only way to be protected was to sacrifice a lamb and put the lamb’s blood on your front door. By doing that, the Lord would pass over your house and your firstborn boy would live. Crazy, I know. In obedience to God and as a way to remember how God had saved Israel from slavery in Egypt, the Jewish people established the holy day (holiday . . . get it?!) known as the Passover.

Fast forward about 1,500 years and Jesus is having dinner with His disciples to celebrate the Passover, just like God said. Only this time something is different. Read the next passage from Mark 14:22-24, then come back for some questions.

Mark 14:22–24 (NIRV)

"While they were eating, Jesus took bread. He gave thanks and broke it. He handed it to his disciples and said, 'Take it. This is my body.' Then he took a cup. He gave thanks and handed it to them. All of them drank from it. 'This is my blood of the covenant,' he said to them. 'It is poured out for many.'"

1. If you had to choose one meal to be your last meal, what would you eat and who would you eat it with?

2. In the first story, from Exodus, what saved the firstborn boys from dying? Hint: it’s red.

3. When Jesus was at dinner with his disciples, he said, “This is my blood of the covenant… it is poured out for many.” If the lamb’s blood saved the firstborn boys in Israel, whose blood does Jesus save?

At the Last Supper, Jesus explained that His body and His blood would be a sacrifice for all people so that their sins could be forgiven and they could have eternal life with God! In the Easter story, He’s about to make this happen. Come back to find out how!

Dear God, thank You for Jesus’ body and blood that were given for me. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, I can have a life with You forever! Amen.


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About this Plan

Comeback: An Easter Devotional for Kids

In this eight-day devotional for kids, we'll follow Jesus' steps during His final week, from Palm Sunday, through His death on the cross . . . all leading up to Easter Sunday and the greatest comeback of all time!
