Journey Through Johnනියැදිය

Journey Through John

DAY 15 OF 24


John 12:43 “For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.”


Jesus’ miracles and His teaching were nearly irrefutable evidence that He was who He said He was – God’s Son, the promised Messiah. There were ample reasons to believe this. Many of the Jewish leaders really did believe this, but they didn’t want to admit it, because of their fear that they might be ostracized. They had grown so comfortable with their prominent positions and the social status they had, and they weren’t willing to risk losing that – even though some of them felt in their heart that it would have been God’s will to embrace and follow Jesus. 


I think this is one of the saddest statements in Scripture. To miss God’s will all because of an addiction to people’s praise is a real tragedy. And yet, at times, this same attitude is present in my own life. It’s so tempting to try to manage my public image more than to really work on my true heart before the Lord. I think of the example of Mother Teresa, who went to an obscure place to serve “the least of these” thinking she would never be noticed by anyone, but simply wanting to do her Lord’s will with all her heart quietly and secretly. Because of her humble spirit, God entrusted her with great fame and influence. Because she didn’t seek it at all, God knew she could handle it. May I have her dedicated spirit, whether anyone ever notices my work for the Lord or not. 


Father forgive me for the times when I was more concerned about getting praise from people than about really pleasing You. Purify my motives, so that I am really working and living only for You. Amen.

Truths to notice:

12:3 ff Jesus is pleased with genuine worship from the heart and deep devotion.

12:16 There were many things the disciples did not understand at the time, but later after Jesus’ death and resurrection, things made sense and they realized that Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament prophecy.

12:24 Only when we are willing to give up our lives can we become fruitful for God.

12:27 Jesus’ main purpose for coming into the world was to die.

12:31 When Jesus died, Satan (the prince of this world) was driven out.

12:34 The Jews expected the Messiah not to have to die. They had only certain prophecies in mind – the victorious ones, not the ones about His suffering and death. 

12:45 Jesus showed us God. He revealed in Himself what God is like.

12:49 Jesus did not speak on His own, but spoke only what the Father guided Him to say. 


About this Plan

Journey Through John

This plan is designed for new Bible readers to teach and model a simple process for ordinary people to hear God's voice within God's Word and grow in their understanding of Him. The Gospel of John is a great place to start discovering who Jesus is and the SOAP acronym guides us as we invite God to speak to us about our own lives.
