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Seasons Of The LordSample

Seasons Of The Lord

DAY 1 OF 7

God’s Display Cabinet

“God raised up the third day, and showed him openly.” —Acts 10:40

Jeremy Taylor, seventeenth-century English bishop, wrote of the believer as “a mysterious cabinet of the Trinity.” How true is the figure of the Lord Jesus who all heaven loves to display! After His resurrection from the dead, God let Him be clearly seen. As a showcase of jewels in a jeweler’s establishment indicates the goods that can be purchased, so, reverently, Jesus is heaven’s showcase. God is not ashamed or afraid to expose His victorious Son to view. Proudly He displayed Him as the conqueror of Satan, sin, and sickness. The Father loved to draw atten­tion to His Son, who, raised from the grave by the power of God, could not be held by death. Concerning the truths of the death and resurrection of Jesus, Paul reminded King Agrippa of the apostle who said, “This thing was not done in a corner” (Acts 26:26), or was no “hole-and-corner business.” No, God “showed him openly.”

Are we found emulating the divine example? Paul was not ashamed to declare the gospel which the Savior’s death made possible but openly displayed Him as the only mediator between God and men. Can it be that we hide Him from the view of others, that we are ashamed to own our Lord? May grace be ours to exhibit His worth and wealth by our lips, life, and labor. Jesus could say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). When others look at us, may they see the beauty of Jesus.

Day 2