We are created to work with God
The very first thing God does with human beings is place him in the garden he has created to ‘work’ or ‘till’ the ground, and to look after or ‘keep’ the garden.
The same Hebrew roots for ‘work’ and ‘keep’ are words used later in the Bible for the work of priests in ‘worshipping’ God and ‘keeping’ his commandments.
In this real way, our work is connected with our worship.
Moreover, we are meant to be working with God. There is a beautiful picture of God bringing the animals and birds to the human to see what he would name them. What an amazing concept, that God would invite humans into that process of naming creatures.
Naming something is a process of discerning the essence of what that creature is, and is such a significant process. What a delight it is to work with God.
In what ways can you see that you can work with God, and worship him through your everyday work?
About this Plan

Work takes up the majority of our waking hours; it is the most significant activity in our lives. This makes sense if we look through Genesis 1–2 and see that work is the first command we receive from God. We were created to work with God in stewarding his creation. In this series we will look at different dimensions of our work in light of God’s word.