Blending A Family 40 day Devotionalනියැදිය

Blending A Family 40 day Devotional

DAY 15 OF 40

We Often Create the World We Live In

God created us to have healthy relationships. Yet being in relationship with others can be a struggle at times.

I recall when I corrected our young children. On several occasions their response was, ”Why are you yelling at us?” Each time I did not think I was yelling, but from repeated incidents there was obviously a roughness in my tone of voice that I was unaware of. Months later I realized I was carrying anger from former hurts that had nothing to do with our children.  A consequence of my divorce led to my children and I driving thousands of miles for the next 11 years commuting four hours for weekend visitations.

Hurting people cause hurt to other people. Jesus taught about forgiving those who hurt us, however, we often take offense, or separate ourselves from them. We could be the one causing hurt in others. Our negative attitudes, selfish actions, insensitivities, or broken promises can create broken relationships. We can cause people to walk on “egg-shells” around us.

God’s love forgives our mistakes and gives us second chances. However, many times we still live with the consequences of our choices which can be life changing. We’ve seen people blame God for tough consequences, but He is a Good Father. The blame could be our adversary the devil, or our own choices.

The phrase, “That’s just the way I am” is based on how we think. By changing the way we think we change the way we act. We are all created in God’s image and likeness. We are His prized creation. Our positive words, apologies, loving actions, gentleness, and acceptance can draw people to us and change our family.


Ask God to show you if your words and actions are causing distance in your relationships.

Ask God to show you how you can change the way you think to show each person that they are valuable to you and to God.

Treat those in your home as though you have chosen them to live life with.

Our Prayer for you:

Holy Spirit pour Your compassion and loving-kindness on each spouse as they work together to build their family! Heal any brokenness in their hearts. Give them the patience and tenacity to connect with each family member. Thank You for melding the hearts together, in the Name of Jesus!

Copyright 2019 Moe and Paige Becnel @ Blending A Family Ministry


About this Plan

Blending A Family 40 day Devotional

Blending a Family 40-day Devotional written by Moe and Paige Becnel at Blending a Family Ministry is a resource for remarried families. The Becnel’s married in 1989 with 5 children, and were quickly overwhelmed with many issues exclusive to blended families. The plan discusses the cause of the issues many families face, and provides solutions found in God’s Word that fuel family growth. God is for you!
