Psalm 19:14 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

3 Big Questions, 1 Little Psalm
3 Days
Some of the toughest questions life throws at us are often some of the simplest to answer Scripturally. This short devotional will examine three such “meaning of life” questions – Is there a God? What does He want? How do we respond? – through the lens of one of the Bible's smallest passages, Psalm 19.

Seize The Day
3 Days
How can you have a successful, fulfilled life? You must have successful years and before that, thriving months made up of winning weeks. Ultimately, the way to have a wonderful life is to have fulfilled days. How do you have those days? Three words - Seize the day! To seize the day, you must own the day. This three day plan provides three ways to own your day and gives practical ways to daily build a successful, fulfilled life.

What Are You Thinking?
3 Days
“What are you thinking?” That question can feel so invading, and are you ever really honest with your answer? These guided audio meditations begin with a reflection on your private thoughts. They are followed by time to dismantle any distracting thoughts to focus instead on the changeless character of God. Finally, a time of meditation on thoughts of love and rediscovering thoughts of true love from the Creator of love.

Let The Words of My Mouth
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this wisdom-filled devotional. Let your words satisfy Him. Let your words glorify Christ. Let your words minister unto others. Let your words build up those around you. Let your words restore others. Let your words edify. Let your words be acceptable to God. Surrender your language to Him. Surrender your conduct to Him. Surrender every area of your heart over to Him.

Gone Fishin' Four
4 Days
Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life, and He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.

Heaven's In Your Routines
5 Days
Busy, busy and busy. Everyone is busy about something and that puts them at risk: a risk of overlooking the peace God has stored for them. In this five-day devotion, you will read Psalm 19 and how God is sending heavens in the midst of your routines. Enjoy reading this practical devotion and respond to a heaven's calling for a stronger relationship with God. Follow JETS @jetslifegroup too.

Kerry And Chris Shook: Be The Message Devotional
5 Days
What if the gospel was proclaimed more loudly by our lives, actions and choices than by the words we speak or sermons we share? This reading plan from Kerry and Chris Shook, authors of Be the Message, leads you towards a dynamic experience of living out the gospel in your life and the lives of others.

The Prayer of a Worshiper
5 Days
The Prayer of a Worshiper underscores the importance of a personal relationship with God, the Creator. A daily dependence upon His Word and an ongoing acknowledgement of His Sovereignty strengthen your faith. This 5-day devotion guides you through prayers of meditation and thankfulness, song and praise, humility and wisdom, requests, and worship. Develop these types of prayers and watch your relationship with and dependence upon God grow.

Speak To My Heart, Jesus
5 Days
This five-day plan will help you listen to His words of wisdom to bring clarity to your soul and comfort to restore your heart.

Father Knows Best – 5 Prayers For Your Kids
5 Days
As fathers, our prayers for our kids sometimes turn into monotony as we pray the same things over and over. We want to say more, but can’t come up with the words. We understand the sentiment. We’ve compiled 5 biblically-based devotions to help you pray for your kids.

How to Structure My Daily Devotionals
5 Days
The Bible is full of transforming truths. Every Christian should know how to read, meditate on, and apply the Word of God to their daily living. While the Bible instructs us to study God’s Word regularly, it gives us freedom in how to do it as long as we follow the basic principles. An effective application of the Bible can change our lives and the lives of our families.

Real Hope: The Psalms
5 Days
The Psalms are passages that show us how to truly delight in the God we serve, love and worship, even in the midst of chaos and pain. In this plan we reflect on some of our favorite Psalms and are, once again, reminded of God's faithfulness to us.

Loving God's Word the Deuteronomy Way
5 Days
This 5-day plan by Hunter Beless will encourage you to read and rehearse Scripture to know, love, and worship God more. We should read, see, say, and sing the Bible like Deuteronomy 6 describes—when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise—all the time! As we reflect upon it, we can delight in the life that Christ offers us.

Speaking Life in Your Marriage
5 Days
Scripture tells us that our words are powerful. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to forget to use our words purposefully to build up and encourage the people around us. Speaking life can bring more joy and peace to your life and your relationships. In this 5 day plan by Lindsay Few, we will look at simple ways to use the power of your words for good.

Stewarding Your Thoughts
5 Days
One of the biggest battles we face is in our minds. Our thoughts drive our feelings, which often dictate our behaviours and shape our lives. In this 5-day study, we will look at 5 different Scriptures and apply them to become better stewards of our thoughts and, in turn, walk more in God's will for our lives.

Heaven and Nature Sing: 5 Days to Reflect During Advent
5 Days
What does it mean for both heaven and nature to sing? How does the Advent season reflect the reality that Jesus came not only to save the world but to save the entire cosmos? This plan walks us through five days of reflecting on these truths during Advent.

Called to Ministry, Called to Scripture
5 Days
Those called to ministry must first become steeped in the Word of God. No other preparation for vocational ministry is more crucial than being immersed in the truths of God’s Word. This five-day devotional plan walks readers through key biblical passages for instruction and reflection, which will help ministry leaders embrace their call to living by Scripture as they also answer the call to leadership.

Fighting the Fires of Dangerous Thoughts.
5 Days
Do you ever work yourself up over conversations that you have with people . . . in your head? Do you ever play out worst case scenarios for things that could possibly go wrong in the future? Our thoughts can be like dangerous wildfires, if we let them. In this devotional, we’ll learn how God can help us extinguish those wildfire thoughts.

Running Your Race on Cold Windy Days
5 Days
Overcoming the hurdle of dry and dusty, distracted days is our topic for this study. These “blah” times come to all believers often causing discouragement and doubts, We will use scripture to assure them that they are not weird or lost but just in a trial or test that God is using to prepare them for something He will work for good in their lives.

Hearing God's Voice in the Psalms
5 Days
For years, my prayers were a monologue. I shared with God everything I could think of. While my motives and intentions were honorable, the only thing working was my mouth. As I look back on those years, I wonder if God ever hoped I would pause to take a breath so He could speak. In your life, God desires to turn the monologue into a daily dialogue. Are you ready to hear God’s voice?

How Sweet the Sound
5 Days
Can you remember a time when the lyrics of your favorite hymn came to mind and encouraged your heart at just the right moment? These songs of worship will forever remind us of God’s truth, redemption, and joy, which are always freely given—no matter how the times or our cultures change! Use this 5-day reading plan to pause and reflect on five beloved songs that still renew, restore, and unite us all.

Glorifying Him Through And In Our Self-Care
6 Days
Bestselling author of Ever Upward, Justine Brooks Froelker, walks the reader through healthy messages of surviving and thriving after life doesn't turn out how we planned. A mental health therapist and a survivor of failed infertility herself, Justine guides the reader through topics such as relationships, self-care, shame, doubt and grief. She helps the reader to find their place in God’s story, even when it has not turned out who they had hoped and dreamed.

I Can Only Imagine
6 days
Embark on a journey through the Gospels to discover Jesus’ encounters with broken people. Each day will include scripture, reflective stories, and prayer—all working together to reveal God’s incredible heart for you. Each day of this 6-day devotional contains video content with Bart Millard of MercyMe and scenes from the I Can Only Imagine movie.

Finding True Purpose
6 Days
At some point we all ask questions about why we were created, what are we supposed to do and what does God want from us. The world usually tries to answer these questions very differently than scripture. God loves you and made you for a very specific reason. Over the next six days learn how to live the abundant life God desires.

Thriving in Isolation
6 Days
Whether it is sickness, stage of life, or disaster that quarantines you to your home, isolation can be devastating. We are communal people made in the image of a communal God, but isolation can also be a gift. How do you spiritually grow and even thrive in isolation? How do you learn to spiritually self-feed?