John 19:25 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Blessed to Be a Blessing
3 Days
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to God’s blessings. Christians are suffering all over the world; some are living in poverty while others are rich. There must be more to the idea of blessing than money. Right? Does God want to bless you? And how? And why? Join Bible teacher Berni Dymet from Christianityworks for a three-day plan that’s all about God’s blessings in your life!

Easter Meditations: The Price That Was Paid
3 Days
In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, let's take some time to stop, dive deep into Jesus' journey to the cross, and invite Him to bring you fresh revelation of this season. It is helpful to have a journal with you as you reflect on the questions, and to track what God reveals to you in this time!

From Grief to Glory: Mary's Journey With the Risen Saviour
3 Days
Embark on a powerful and emotional exploration of Mary's profound journey through grief, loss, and the miraculous resurrection of her beloved son, Jesus Christ. In this Bible plan, we delve into the depths of Mary's heartache as she witnesses the crucifixion and burial of Jesus, only to experience the unimaginable joy of seeing Him alive again.

Fierce Hope – A Spoken-Word Devotional
4 Days
Savanna Hartman describes a world that has never been more broken and lost than it is today. People are hurting and want something authentic and real to hold on to. She makes a compelling case that true hope can be found only in Christ. Despite the chaos that is all around you, hope is within your reach right now.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–14–The Cross Of Christ
4 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the fourteenth part "The Cross of Christ." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Easter Hope
4 Days
On Easter, we celebrate the hope of new life that Jesus brings into each of our lives, and even more, into the whole world. The earth-shattering thing that happened on this day changes everything. In this four-day series from Words of Hope, consider the life-changing hope of Easter as we read John's account of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Holy Week - on the Inside of Creation
4 Days
This is a series of short Holy Week reflections beginning with the events on Maundy Thursday, and ending with Resurrection Sunday. They are also glimpses inside the act of Creation itself. When we enter Holy Week we have a front-row seat to God’s creative process. In the end, we discover ourselves as co-creators in Christ, participating in the ongoing act of Creation.

The Promised One
5 Days
The most important moment in the history of the world was when Jesus, the Light of the World, became flesh to dwell among us. Angels announced his arrival, poems were written, shepherds ran and Mary sang! Come with us on a five-day journey as we examine His light, how it inspired those around Him and how it impacts us today.

Bright City - Still, Vol. 2
5 Days
Taking time each day to be still before God is one of the most life-changing things we can do. Join me on this plan as we acknowledge that the Lord is God over the busyness and battles of daily life. Draw close to hear His whisper, let your soul be quieted by His song of love, and receive His hope at the foot of the cross. - Paul Nelson, Bright City

Easter: Hope Renewed
5 Days
Easter is not about chicks and bunnies. Scripture describes Jesus’ experience to purchase our forgiveness, but His death was not the end of the story. Easter is hope, renewal, mercy and grace. Each day of this devotional contain a short (1-2 minute) audio message. The guests share their thoughts and experiences about renewal in their lives. They will help you focus on the mercies and hope God extends to you.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–14–The Cross Of Christ.
5 Days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the fourteenth part "The Cross of Christ." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

The Life of Jesus, Part 9 (9/10)
5 Days
Embark on a journey to learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we will watch short clips from the film, The Life of Jesus, and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. You can read each of the 10 plans separately, but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.

Easter - 5 Day Devotional
5 Days
Holy Week is such an important time of reflection in the Christian life. We pray these devotionals will lead you with joy and anticipation for the risen Christ. As you celebrate today, and every day, remember to be expectant. Remember to serve. Remember the blood. Remember the deafening silence. Remember to be surprised. For in Christ, you have life and you have it abundantly.

Rooted in God's Presence
5 Days
Our world is full of uncertainty and fear. But whatever challenges life may bring, we can be encouraged that nothing can separate us from God's love. Based on the book, Big Trouble Ahead, this devotional will equip you with a plan for countering the chaos that's trying to rob you of your stability in Christ and bring renewed courage, rooted in God's presence, goodness, and his message of unchanging hope.

There’s More to Your Story: Lessons From the Easter Story
5 Days
This Holy Week, we'll journey through some of the stories of people in the Bible who walked with Jesus through His life, death, and resurrection. We’ll learn lessons from them as we open our minds and hearts to believing that just because something ends doesn’t mean there isn’t something else in store. Even in the midst of loss, hurt, and disappointment, God’s not done yet. There’s more to the story.

Walking the Path of Passion Week
5 Days
The five major holy days of Passion Week - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday - invite us on a narrative journey through pivotal moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. Join us on this 5-day devotional journey where we walk the path of victory, servitude, betrayal, death, and burial to experience, all the more profoundly, the power of the resurrection.

The Footwashing Series: Easter Week
5 Days
Journey through the Passion of Jesus this Easter Week in a way you never have before. Just like Jesus did on Holy Thursday, see Him wash the feet of His friends and betrayers through powerful artwork and creative reflections. Get ready for Jesus to flip the tables of your heart through these viral ©️ Footwashing Series images.

A Bunny, Eggs & Jesus? Help Kids Untangle The Easter Message
6 Days
The true meaning of Easter can sometimes be lost. As parents, we can share about Jesus’ death and resurrection in memorable ways. This 6-day series is designed for Passion Week, but can be used all year long. Parents, you will find devotions written for you and links to valuable resources to help you teach the same lesson to your children. You will also find discussion starters, prayer ideas and activities for the family.

Jesus Revives Hope In Disappointed People
6 Days
You put your hope in Christ, and instead of feeling blessed, you feel sucker-punched. You wonder if you’ve done something wrong, or worse, been duped. Hope seems slippery. But what if the hope Christ offers isn’t a flimsy shred but a certainty you can count on, even when you feel disappointed? This plan, based on stories from the book “Remarkable Hope,” tells how Jesus revived hope for people in the gospels. And He’ll do the same for you today.

The Last Words of Jesus: A Lenten Devotional
6 Days
As you prepare to celebrate death’s defeat and the hope of salvation this Easter, reflect on some of the final statements Jesus made during His time on earth, and discover the powerful lessons He delivered with each word.

Coffee Cup Confessions: Finding Hope Not Hype in Famous Bible Verses
6 Days
Some of the most famous Bible verses we know, recite, and share are meant for more than hype. They are meant to give us hope, especially on our most difficult days. In this 6-day Bible Reading Plan, we'll go back and look into the context of some of the most famous Bible verses and show you how God can give you long-lasting hope. Hype fades, but hope is forever!

Real Hope: The Passion - Week 3
6 Days
Jesus’ sacrifice made a way for us to have a relationship with God. His resurrection conquered death so that we may have eternal life with God. His life transformed ours. This is part three of a three-part series in which we pray you will be able to rejoice in the grace and mercy bestowed upon you through Jesus Christ and that your passion for Him will be renewed and strengthened.

Generation to Generation
6 Days
There are so many incredible women of faith in the bible, and there is so much wisdom and inspiration that we can glean from their stories. This devotional follows five incredible women who were part of the lineage of Jesus Christ, showing us the faithfulness of God from generation to generation. 💖

7 Words From The Cross
7 Days
As Jesus hung on the cross as our substitute, the words he spoke not only fulfilled the Scripture that testified about him but showed his great love for all of us.

Not Lent but Given: The Here I AM
7 Days
Jesus wasn’t lent. He was given. Which means, Here is why Easter doesn’t begin with Good Friday, but Bethlehem. Here is why Jesus is not conditioned by the rules you keep, but you are positioned by those He kept perfectly. Here is why death is forever defeated and you can walk the pages of God’s Word with washed feet. Here is why you are rising, even now as you read, and resurrection doesn’t culminate on Sundays. Here is Christ. Jesus is the Here I AM.