Galatians 5:22 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Jesus, I Want to Love You (Prayer)
3 Days
Do you want to love Jesus? Do you want to love Him more? This prayer is designed to help prepare and soften your heart to understand and receive His love for you and deepen your love for Him. It also can serve as a companion prayer to the "Jesus, I Want to Love You" series by Thistlebend.

Choosing Each Day: God or Self?
3 Days
The battle between choosing God or choosing self begins the moment we wake up in the morning. This plan provides a simple step to help us choose each day to trust, follow, and serve the Lord.

Increase The Love In Your Marriage
3 Days
Whether you're just married or are seasoned souls, NYT best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair want you to cherish every moment of your marriage. Use this reading plan as a catalyst for you to increase the love in your marriage.

Tender Healing Care
3 Days
Have you ever longed for the type of tender healing care that helps you recover from secret pain? To live a life healed and in step with the Spirit of God? These guided audio meditations are reflections on that desire. Living a life healed at this moment by the present Spirit of God. Discovering you already have the strength. And being mindful of moments to care for others too.

Need Some Self-Control? Devotions From Time Of Grace
3 Days
Self-control is hard to grow. But the soil of God’s love in Christ is rich enough to produce all the self-control you need.

The Impact and Attitude of a Faith Driven Investor
3 Days
All kinds of investors—from the rich young ruler to the widow and her mite—have the ability to affect change. How and where we do that can change from person to person and institution to institution. But when it comes to the reputation, impact, and attitude of a Faith Driven Investor, there are certain things we all have in common...

When Will God Finally Show Up? - a Daily Devotional
3 Days
Life often doesn’t seem fair. Injustice, violence and inequality are everywhere. The rich and the powerful seem to be winning. And the average man or woman in the street, trying to live a good life… what’s in it for them? Join Author Berni Dymet from Christianityworks to ask the question, When will God finally show up? You might be surprised by the answer!

Finishing Well Part 2 = Winners’ Ways
3 Days
This plan is a continuing discussion on running the “race set before us” from the book of Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 1. In each of three parts, we will discuss one disciplined commitment that successful Christ followers may utilize to finish their race, still running strongly. The disciplines follow us through all stages of life and we never outgrow our need/benefit from their application.

I'm Not Slowing Down Part 2
3 Days
Read through God’s Word within each devotional and reflect through guided questions for both individual consideration and group discussion. We pray it encourages you to re-frame your reality.

Celebrate Me Home - A 3-Day Devotional by CAIN
3 Days
Join us as we explore what it means to feel the ‘Christmas Spirit’ this Christmas, how God celebrates with us when we return to Him, and how celebrating isn’t just about the finish line, but about remembering the journey and seeing victory in each step. -Taylor, Madison, and Logan Cain of the band CAIN

More Like Jesus, Less Like Me: A Three-Day Reading Plan by Zach Williams
3 Days
How can we be more like Jesus? How does Grace have a role in diving deeper into a relationship with Jesus? What does it mean to be Jesus’ hands and feet? Let's reflect on these questions together. - Zach Williams

Finding Life
3 Days
In this three-day plan, you will meet modern-day biblical disciples whose lives demonstrate that they are new creations in Christ. Each story highlights something that is evident to all in the lives of these persecuted Christians who have found life in Christ. As we read their stories and learn from their lives, we too can live a new life in the real world as we find life in Christ.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love
3 Days
In Galatians 5:22-23, we read about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we explore these fruits, we need to know that they are character traits of the Spirit that come into fruition in our lives as we give control to the Holy Spirit. This three-day reading plan will look deeper into the fruit of love.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
3 Days
In Galatians 5:22-23, we read about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we explore these fruits, we need to know that they are character traits of the Spirit that come into fruition in our lives as we give control to the Holy Spirit. This three-day reading plan will look deeper into the fruit of joy.

Trusting God During Marital Hardship
3 Days
This plan encourages wives dealing with marital hardship to surrender and trust God even when their marriage is tested. Have you been praying about this season of hardship? It seems the more you pray, the further away God feels. I'm here to tell you God is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. His word provides comfort and instructions, even during uncomfortable times. God isn't silent.

3 Days
Many of us are wanting much more peace in our lives than we feel actually exists at the moment. In today’s time peace can be an anomaly. The equilibrium for stable peace in one’s life is way out of whack. There’s a lot happening in the world. How does one find peace? Is it consistently achievable? This plan helps us locate the path to peace as God destined for us.

Paint Your Back Side
3 Days
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in taking care of our physical bodies while neglecting the well-being of our inner selves. As Christians, we are called to steward not only our external actions but also the condition of our hearts and minds. Join us in this devotional as we explore the importance of nurturing the inner man.

Surrender to the Holy Spirit
3 Days
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is developed within each believer when we learn to surrender to His work in our lives. His transformation in our lives is not caused by our own efforts but by our ability to surrender. Learn how you can do that in this reading plan.

Principles for Christian Political Engagement
3 Days
One of the most pressing issues for Christians in this cultural moment is how we should interact with politics. Should we remain silent or should we be outspoken? Should we run for office or retreat into exclusively Christian communities? This three-day devotional aims to provide some biblical guardrails to consider when seeking to live out the way of Jesus in the political arena.

GENTLENESS - Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit
3 Days
How can the fruit of the spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This three-day reading plan shows the battles of GENTLENESS versus dissension, traditions, and bitterness. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action to become champions of GENTLENESS in our daily lives.

SELF-CONTROL - Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit
3 Days
How can the fruit of the Spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This three-day reading plan shows the battles of SELF-CONTROL versus temptations, lying, and laziness. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action and become champions of SELF-CONTROL in our daily lives.

Growing in Grace and Knowledge: A 3-Day Parenting Plan
3 Days
As parents, we naturally want to see our children not only obey but internalize our instruction, ideally rooted in the Scriptures. Wise parental discipline now will pave the way for them to exercise self-discipline later. One way that parents can reinforce their instruction is to model the very concepts that they are seeking to impart. This week we consider both teaching and exemplifying love for God and others.

Beauty in Unity
3 Days
This Bible Plan is designed to help your family, church, and community grow in unity. In this Plan, Lynette Johnson explores essential Biblical teachings from Psalm 133. Together, let us seek the heart of God, develop connected relationships, and grow united in Christ.

Forgiven, Loved, Free
3 Days
Do you ever struggle to believe you’re truly forgiven? Do you feel like you need to work up a bit of a good streak in your life before God will really be pleased with you? Check out this 3-day plan and find out how you can have assurance that you are truly forgiven, loved, and free.

Walking in the Spirit
3 Days
Hearing the gospel inspires us to be thankful to God, and hearing about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives stirs us up to keep in step with Him. Spend three days reflecting on the work of the Holy Spirit with us and be inspired to respond to His work by walking with Him.