1 Peter 4:3 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

5 Days
This Life.Church Bible Plan is a study of 1 Peter to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Different. In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … different .

Lessons from Elisabeth Elliot
5 Days
Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most influential women in modern church history. She wrote dozens of books, hosted a long-running radio show, and spoke at conferences all over the world. In this five-day plan, we’ll look at excerpts from the new authorized biography, "Becoming Elisabeth Elliot," by Ellen Vaughn. Each day we’ll feature words from Elisabeth’s private, unpublished journals that will encourage, inspire, and challenge your own faith journey.

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 1)
5 Days
No matter what trials come our way, we can rise up and stand firm in our faith. In fact, this 4-part Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel is designed to help you grow in your knowledge of God, expand your love for Him, and give you the courage to live out the truth of Scripture in every season—especially the heavy ones.

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 4)
5 Days
No matter what trials come our way, we can rise up and stand firm in our faith. In fact, part four of this 4-part Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel is designed to help you grow in your knowledge of God, expand your love for Him, and give you the courage to live out the truth of Scripture in every season—especially the heavy ones.

Living Hope: A Study in 1 Peter
5 Days
1 Peter was written to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” (1 Peter 1:1), a group of believers forced to flee their homes and lives due to persecution. Although they lost much, Peter reminds his readers that they have “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Peter 1:4). Truly, Jesus is our Living Hope, transcending all our difficulties to provide hope and courage amid opposition.

Thrive Moms: Loved
6 Days
As moms, we do so much for everyone else. We love until our tank is dry. At the end of the day, we are drained and maxed out. We invite you to fill your tank with God’s abundant love. To hear the truth that you are loved and cherished. Dive head first with us into His love and fill your heart with the truth that you are deeply loved.

Modern Idols: Devotions From Time Of Grace
6 Days
If you love and trust something more than God, then it's your idol. This reading plan shows you why it's important to keep God in the center of your life.

Fully Alive
6 Days
There’s a path that looks right, but in the end, leads to death. Have you ever thought, "How did I end up here? This isn't the life I dreamed of!" Maybe it's time to get off your well-worn path and let God establish a new way forward. Journey with Andrew Palau through six video stories. Find the one your soul longs for and the path of life—Jesus.

Set Apart: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting
7 Days
Our devotional material focuses on God’s holiness from the book of 1 Peter. The goal is for people to have a more thoroughly biblical view of holiness that glorifies God, transforms their hearts, and increases missional passion.

Financial Discipleship - the Bible on Our Part
7 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about our part in handling money and possessions. Instead of doing what we will, God wants us to do His will. This 7-day plan will help readers gain a biblical understanding of being faithful with finances, how to apply it to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.

Minor Adjustments: "Anywhere But Backward"
8 Days
If you are in bondage to something and it seems that you can’t overcome it, then this plan was designed with you in mind. Michael Williams Jr. was in bondage to drugs for 22 years, then one day he totally surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit then led him to make some “Minor Adjustments,” which he recorded with the hope that it’ll help you in your deliverance.

1 Peter
8 Days
Trials will surely come for us, but take heart. There is victory to be shared! Dive into the book of 1st Peter and find a letter full of promise for everyone who has an ear to hear. #ThereIsJoyAhead

1 Peter: Set Apart
8 Days
In this 8-part devotional, Pastor Dylan Dodson teaches through the book of 1 Peter. This plan will encourage you to remain faithful in the hardships of life because of the future glory that awaits.

Dwell | Holy Week and Easter
8 Days
In Holy Week, we encounter a God who moves ever closer to us, even in our brokenness and shame. Yet what lies before us is a question: will we return to the Lord? This year, through repentance and renewal, let us be ready to greet the Lord at his Resurrection. This plan is an excerpt from Dwell's Lenten devotional, "Return," available in its entirety within the Dwell Bible App.

1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
10 Days
Over the course of 10 days, alongside passages from 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World by Lydia Brownback, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.

1 Peter: Odd Life, Good God
10 Days
If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for anyone. If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for you. Peter’s life was odd, but God was good. That is the secret to Peter’s success and this 10-day plan will help you study the book of 1 Peter to more deeply understand God’s goodness and faithfulness in the midst of confusion, condemnation, and persecution.

Our Daily Bread: Character-Driven Leadership
10 Days
Unsure of how to lead effectively? Inspired by World Vision President Emeritus Richard Stearns’ book Lead Like It Matters to God, this 10-day reading plan highlights Christlike traits that can empower us to lead well, whether you’re the head of your family or a Fortune 500 company.

Our Daily Bread: Unshakable
10 Days
Foster faithful endurance in seasons of suffering, tragedy, and loss with Bible stories, real-life stories, and reflection questions.

1 Peter: Peace in Exile
11 Days
Feeling alone in your faith? The book of 1 Peter offers encouragement and hope to believers who feel like they are living in exile. Discover how God's Word endures, how to stand firm in challenging times, and how to live out your faith in practical ways. Join us in exploring how God's grace sustains us and how we can participate in his mission, even in seasons of struggle.

What's the Point? (A Study in Ecclesiastes: Part 3)
12 Days
God created us to find meaning in our lives. But we live in a broken world where we’re continually frustrated in our search. So, what’s the point of living life? This is the question the Teacher in Ecclesiastes is asking. At first, the message of this wisdom book seems to lead to despair, but in fact points to the hope of life found in God alone.

Not of This World
12 Days
The world we are living in is transient and temporal. As believers, we are passengers in transit on Earth and our destination is our eternity with Christ. As such, how do we remember our identity as God’s holy people while navigating the fallen world we are in? Journey with us and learn how we can live differently, as people not of this world.

Live in God's Will
15 Days
What does it look like to live in God's will? Who does He want us to become? What does He want us to do? How can living in His will brings us hope, freedom and peace? This 15-day devotional will take you on a journey to dig deeper into God's Word and deeper into your own life to know for certain you are living in His will today.

Hospitality Defined: Practical Love in Service to God
15 Days
Hosting people, especially around the holidays, can be a joy—but it can also be a burden. God offers us a different way. The Bible shows hospitality as a practical way to demonstrate love for others in service to God. In this 15-day series, consider how to follow God's example of love and service and accept God's good gifts of hospitality to you.

The Struggle Is Real
16 Days
Life is hard. The struggle IS real. While all of us experience seasons of blessing, we are broken people living in a broken world. The book of 1st Peter is candid about the struggles we face, but unapologetic about the hope and truth of Jesus. Walk through 1st Peter with this reading plan because the struggle is real! (We recommend using The Message (MSG) translation.)

A Generous Life - Horizon Church March Bible Reading Plan
16 Days
All throughout the Bible, we see the theme of generosity and the significant role it plays in the Christian life. But true generosity is about much more than just what we do with our money. Through this devotional, we will take a deeper look at how to live A Generous Life. Join us as we study how God defines generosity and challenge ourselves to live an open-handed life.