1 John 3:19 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Full Hearted Parenting
4 Days
There's so much that goes into parenting that you don't know when you bring your precious bundle home for the first time. Filling your own heart with God's love is the important first step as you delve into this lifelong task. Come along on this 4-step plan for parenting from a heart full of God.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–19–The Apostles' Teaching
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the nineteenth part "The Apostles' Teaching." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Evangelism: Loving God, Loving Others
5 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan considers evangelism through the habit of ‘loving God, loving people’.

Real Hope: A Study of 1 John
5 Days
In this plan we will undertake a study of the book of 1 John, in the New Testament. The book of 1 John is the first of three books, written by John the elder to house church believers. The book of 1 John encourages believers to remember that God is light and love and therefore to live lives that reflect that light and love with one another and the world.

Catching You: A 5-Day Plan to Creating a Life of Security and Love
5 Days
Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.

Where Prayer Becomes Real
5 Days
Prayer can sometimes seem lonely. Often, in prayer, I try to quiet my heart and soul, and my mind races everywhere. Sometimes I just fall asleep. There are times when it feels like my prayers bounce off the ceiling. What we often don’t realize, however, is that the Lord offers us good news right in these places. Let’s spend some time considering the good news about prayer.

Resilience: It’s Time to Get Up
5 Days
In this YouVersion, Colleen Rouse walks us through key pillars of resiliency! When we understand how God wants us to act in the face of difficulty, we can more effectively understand and utilize resiliency whenever we experience an obstacle or decline. We each must come to recognize the power of bouncing back! Let’s get started.

Discover the Bible and Unity in History
5 Days
Americans have always turned to the Bible for wisdom to live together. We argue over how to read and use it, but the Bible has helped shape our values and institutions. On this plan you will read the Bible as a freedom text alongside voices from our past, focused on the value of unity. Discover fresh takes on the Bible and inspiration for facing today’s challenges.

Resilience: It’s Time to Get Up
5 Days
In this plan, Colleen Rouse walks us through key pillars of resiliency! When we understand how God wants us to act in the face of difficulty, we can more effectively understand and utilize resiliency whenever we experience an obstacle or decline. We each must come to recognize the power of bouncing back! Let’s get started.

Bouncing Back From Failure
5 Days
How do you bounce back when you've messed up? How do you not get stuck in the rut of failure? Scripture is filled with stories of people who God restored after they experienced failure ... David, Moses, Peter, and the prodigal son are just a few examples. Begin this 5-day devotional and learn how to bounce back from failure and steps to take to forgive yourself.

Peace to You!
5 Days
Peace. Who among us doesn’t long for the state of mind and heart that is quiet and calm? A place where our inner being is as tranquil and undisturbed as a quiet lake? We pray that as you read through the following 5 days' reflections from Our Daily Bread, you will experience Jesus' gift of peace - of mind and heart.

God Is Love: A Study in 1 John
5 Days
1 John is one of three letters written by John the Beloved, the same author as the Gospel of John and Revelation. Written as a response to false teaching in the church, John reminds his readers that just as God is both love and light, true believers are to show love and light to the world.

Prayers for Overcoming
5 Days
Do you feel like you're up against insurmountable odds? You need God's strength to overcome whatever is before you, but rejoice! God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Join us for 5-days of praying for the grace to overcome.

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 3:11-24
5 Days
Near the end of his life, John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel. And it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers caught in the aftermath, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.

BibleProject | How to Seek First the Kingdom
5 Days
What did Jesus mean when he said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God"? Explore these famous words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:33, and consider his way of valuing love and life more than status and wealth. Jesus never minimizes physical needs, but he helps us rethink the things we often love most.

What's the Hurry?
5 Days
Each day, I ask myself, “Why is everyone in such a hurry?” People are so stressed and in a rush that it is obvious our society has forgotten about the truly important things. This devotional is designed to help us refocus and invite Christ back into the center of our lives. When we focus on Him, everything else becomes secondary and a lot less stressful.

Endless Worth: Seeking God’s Purpose in a Success-Obsessed World
5 Days
What does it mean to be seeking God’s purpose in a world obsessed with success? It’s tempting to believe we’re behind and have ‘missed the mark’ according to society’s metrics of success. Join author Lydia Jenkins in this 5-day plan to recognise your endless worth in God’s eyes, combat career-related anxieties and align your purpose to his anointing.

Good Advice
6 Days
Addiction, divorce, discontentment, and spiritual emptiness. How do we end up in these messes? It’s like we somehow start following bad advice. This Life.Church Bible Plan is for people who want to do away with the bad and bring on some Good Advice.

Sinner To Saint
6 Days
Some people believe that you have to wait until you die to know for sure whether or not you truly belong to God and get to spend eternity in Heaven. Not true! God wants you to live a victorious life for His glory right now, confident not only of where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:13), but also in His love and your identity as His child. Not sure whether or not you belong to God? Don’t wait another day to find out!

In God We Trust
6 Days
A very divided world needs a unified Church. But with all the chaos around us, how can we as Christians respond? In this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig’s message series, In God We Trust, we’ll discover how we can bring people together and find unshakable hope.

When Financial Disasters Hit Hard
6 Days
We will look at eight economic disasters recorded in the Bible which resulted in severe famine. Famine was an ending – the result of disobedience and sin – and a beginning, a potential turning point toward a better, more faithful future. Financial problems form an opportunity for change and a chance for a new beginning. What can we learn from these economic disasters for our own situation today?

Cover to Cover: The Epistles + Revelation
6 Days
In the Christian journey, how do we run the race well? This section of the Epistles + Revelation leads us to the source of godly endurance, wisdom, and faithfulness. When we encounter the love and glory of God, we find ourselves strengthened and equipped.

Discipleship Against Fear
6 Days
Discipleship works against fear. As we obey God’s commands, we entrust ourselves to him. Like the students attending the schools founded by D. L. Moody in Northfield, MA, God’s people “are encouraged to test the meaning and value of the Bible’s teachings experimentally, by acting upon them, and living them out.” As we “test experimentally” the word of God, we will find that we will have fewer and fewer reasons to be afraid. You can get an expanded version of this plan at moodycenter.org/fear.

Crazy Love With Francis Chan
7 Days
Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Crazy Love," Francis Chan delves deep into God's amazingly crazy love for us, and what our appropriate response to such a love should look like. But he doesn't stop there, challenging us to reflect on God's greatness and the huge difference between His eternal majesty and our temporary lives here on earth.

7 Days
Dating . . . does the word strike anxiety or anticipation in your heart? With all the tech connectivity, it seems that it’s just made dating more complicated, confusing and frustrating than ever before. In this 7-day reading plan based on the updated and revised edition of Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. Ben Stuart will help you see that God has a purpose for this season in your life, and he offers guiding principles to help you determine who and how to date.