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Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

Ziua 43 din 58

NO LONGER A STRANGER TO THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE In redemptive history, God made covenants with His people. A covenant is a relationship involving promises confirmed by oath (cf. O. Palmer Robertson). READ: Ephesians 2:11-12 READ: Genesis 15 and Hebrews 6:17-18 In Christ we now can lay claim to the promises of God. Make a mental list of some promises from the Bible that speak to your heart. In Christ, these are yours. A favorite of mine is Isaiah 41:10. WRONG THINKING: My relationship with God is not as important as some of my other relationships—my marriage, my children, my friends. RIGHT THINKING: I am in covenant relationship with God—the deepest and most important kind of relationship there is. In this covenant relationship, God has made me promises that I can trust.

Despre acest plan

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

O privire sumară asupra modului în care Efeseni 1-2 înfățișează identitatea noastră nouă în Hristos. Acest plan oferit de Thistleband Ministries ne va impulsiona să trăim din plin noua identitate ce ne-a fost dată în El.


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