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Treizeci și unu de adevăruri: Cine sunt eu în Hristos?Mostră

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

Ziua 34 din 58

MADE ALIVE WITH CHRIST Because of a believer’s union with Christ, God counts what happened to Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension as having happened to the believer as well. READ: Ephesians 2:4-5 READ: Romans 6:1-11 Who we were outside of Christ is dead and gone, so we should live out our new identity in Christ in obedience to God. We are alive! Alleluia! The old dead things need to go. What alive things now need to be brought to life? How can your thought life change? What else needs to change in your life to bring it more in line with your new life in Christ? WRONG THINKING: Since I have new life in Christ, I can do whatever I want with it. RIGHT THINKING: Having been raised with Jesus, I must now live my life like I am truly alive in Christ.

Despre acest plan

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

O privire sumară asupra modului în care Efeseni 1-2 înfățișează identitatea noastră nouă în Hristos. Acest plan oferit de Thistleband Ministries ne va impulsiona să trăim din plin noua identitate ce ne-a fost dată în El.


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