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Good Call

Ziua 6 din 28

Want an easy-to-remember way to read and study the Bible? No matter which passage of Scripture you're reading, ask yourself these three questions: "What?" "So What?" "Now What?" We'll show you how!

WHAT? What is this passage about?

In the passage, Solomon asked God for wisdom. Why? What was his purpose for doing this?

SO WHAT? Why does it matter?

  • How would this story have been different if Solomon had asked for something other than wisdom, like riches or personal success?
  • When you read this passage, what things came to mind that you would have asked God for?

NOW WHAT? What should I do about it?

  • Have you ever put your focus on gaining something that went against God's wisdom? What happened?
  • What's something that keeps you from doing what God says?
  • How would your life be different if you went after God's wisdom as the most important thing?
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Good Call

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