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Stories on Stories

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The Power of Their Testimony

We all have stories to tell about God’s faithfulness. Some stories might be splendidly detailed, and some rather modest, but short or long, all those stories account for the goodness of a faithful God.

God left us a written testament of His love for us, in which He made the promises to sustain us as we walk this earth. When we choose to cling to those promises, the One who stands behind them upholds us in our time of need. Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He promises to walk with us (Psalm 23:4).

Jesus told us, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Now that is magnificent news, but when we are going through rough terrain in our life, the cross where Jesus overcame the world seems far away. Or at least, that’s what the enemy of our souls would like us to believe. If Satan can get us to question God’s promises, to believe that they are not for us, that our circumstances surpass His power, or that we are not worthy of His goodness, then he can accomplish his task.

Just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan still accuses God of being unjust, and us of being victims or perpetrators. In reality, when we became new creations in Christ, we became children born of God. We are not victims of injustice, but conquerors with Christ, who is our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.

The cross is not distant from us. It is where we meet Jesus daily to lay our lives down and follow our Savior. Jesus didn’t get that title through nepotism. He has the title of Savior because, by the sinless life He led, we can be called righteous. By the death He died, we can be free from sin. And by conquering death, He made it possible for us to begin living eternal life with God the Father right here and now.

God keeps His promises because He is faithful. As His children, the stories He writes of His faithfulness in our lives have the power to overcome our enemy’s accusations.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that in Jesus, all of Your promises are yes and amen.

Zi 2

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Stories on Stories

The stories full of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that the worldly media feeds us daily can have an impact on our faith. However, God allows us to see His goodness and faithfulness in our lives so that we can share our testimony with others to invigorate their faith. If God did it once, He can do it again!


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