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Praying for Leaders

Ziua 1 din 14

A Prayer for Wisdom:

Gracious and Loving God,

We acknowledge you as the source of our best counsel and guidance, believing that you always direct us in ways that are best for us.

We pray for our leaders to continually develop their sensitivity to your voice by making time to be in your presence.

Fill them with your wisdom as they listen for you in the quiet spaces.

Surround them also with people who will offer sound advice and encouragement and fill them with a spirit of humility to accept the collective wisdom of these.

Please keep them strong against any voices that would seek to discourage or undermine and tune their ears to words that provide guidance and direction towards Christlike, fruitful leadership.

Thank You for your generosity to pour out your wisdom upon our leaders, giving them the ability to discern your ways and make decisions aligned with your purposes for the Church today and into the future.


Action: Insert the names of your leaders into the scripture verses for today. Pray wisdom for them every hour. Set a reminder if you need to.

Zi 2

Despre acest plan

Praying for Leaders

From Scripture, it is clear that we are to honour, show respect and love for our leaders, and never stop praying. In these days where significant global challenges are impacting the Church, our leaders need our focused, intentional prayer as they lead. For fourteen days, we look to Scripture and pray intentionally for those who lead in our church, each day focusing on a different aspect of leadership.


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