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Teach Us to Pray

Ziua 7 din 21


When asked what I was doing after high school, I confidently said I would attend Grand Canyon University. From everything I knew, the school seemed perfect for me. I would be able to be in a new location, attending a Christian college with in-person classes. The most captivating thing about the school was that they provided a bachelor's in Christian ministries emphasizing youth ministry. I was set on my decision. I was accepted, and I moved forward with my plans to attend.

However, during my senior year, a new internship program was introduced to me. This program allowed me to gain ministry experience at my home church (Cornwall) while doing online school for a Christian Ministry and Business degree. My plan suddenly did a complete 180. I was hesitant at first. I felt so excited about GCU, but it was clear the program was something that God provided for me. The program fit all my needs, and everything lined up perfectly. After lots of prayer, I finally followed what God was pushing me towards. It was the best decision I've ever made. Every day, I am affirmed in some way that I made the right decision.

God’s will is much greater than our own. He knows what’s best for us and will always provide what we need to fulfill His purpose for us. His will prevails overall. It’s stronger and greater than our desires could ever be. Through the practice of prayer and fasting, we can learn to follow His will. One of the purposes of fasting is to deny ourselves and repent, turning away from our own will and desires and toward his righteous, meaningful will.

Are there plans of your own that you need to surrender to God?

- Michaela Lemcke

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Despre acest plan

Teach Us to Pray

"One day, Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray.'” Luke 11:1 “Lord, teach us to pray” is a powerful five-word prayer and the focus of our 21 D...


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