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Plug Into God

Ziua 14 din 21

Forgive Them

Forgiving others can be a real challenge. Our instincts often push us towards revenge or payback. But Jesus, in Mark 11:25, straight-up tells us that to approach the doors of heaven with our requests, we need to drop unforgiveness, grudges, and anger towards others. It's not easy, but as we grow in our faith in Jesus Christ, it becomes more manageable.

Just think about what Jesus went through for us. He was beaten, rejected, spat on, and ultimately killed on the cross. Despite all that, he uttered the words, "Forgive them, God, for they know not what they're doing" (Luke 23:34). When we reflect on how we've sometimes mistreated our heavenly Father, it helps us show a bit more grace to those who treat us unkindly. Despite the challenges, offenses, or hurts we face, God forgives us and gives us the strength to forgive others.

Think about it like this: imagine you're playing a video game with a friend, and they accidentally mess up your character. It's frustrating, right? Now, think of forgiveness as hitting the reset button. It doesn't erase what happened, but it gives you a chance to start fresh. In the same way, when we forgive others, we're giving them a reset – a chance to make things right. Just like God forgives us and gives us a clean slate, we can do the same for others. It's like leveling up in our relationships and growing in the kind of love Jesus showed us.


  1. How does the idea of forgiveness being like hitting a reset button resonate with you? Can you think of a personal experience where forgiveness helped you start fresh in a relationship?
  2. Consider Jesus' words on the cross, "Forgive them, God, for they know not what they're doing." How does this example inspire you to extend forgiveness to others, especially in difficult situations?
  3. Reflect on anyone who has hurt you, offended you, abandoned you, made you angry, etc.. In what ways can you actively practice forgiveness, drawing inspiration from God's forgiveness toward you?

Shanika Edwards

Zi 13Zi 15

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Plug Into God

In a world buzzing with distractions, discover the power of staying connected to the ultimate source of inspiration. Unearth the tools for a truly productive Christian life that not only enriches your spiritual journey but sparks a flame that inspires those around you. Join us as we delve into daily insights, reflection, and practical guidance, unlocking the secrets to a plugged-in, purpose-driven existence.


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