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Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your SoulMostră

Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your Soul

Ziua 12 din 14

Life never quite goes according to plan. A million little things can make us feel like life is out of control. Sometimes we encounter small obstacles: extra traffic, our favorite treat is out of stock, or we un late because of a train. But other times we encounter large obstacles­ - obstacles that feel impossible to overcome. But we have hope! We have a helper in hardship: Jesus.

This morning, go to a restful place. A place where you can relax and let your guard down. Tune out everything else. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Reach toward God with your mind and your heart.

The Bible teaches us that gratefulness toward God is a good thing. However, being grateful isn't always easy because life isn't always good. Life can be filled with challenges and chaos. Unexpected circumstances and unforeseen loss. Things happen that make life seem unfair and unjust. Sometimes you feel you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Sometimes you even try to carry it all. But you were not made to carry this burden; it does not belong to you.

God can take the load of your burdens. And even in the midst of hardship, God is still good and He is still in control. God promised He would always care and provide for you; He promised His blessings will come to you. Do not be afraid.


God, I sing praise to You! Heavenly Father, I worship You, for You are the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God. I praise You, for all that is in the heavens and the earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, Lord, and You are exalted as Head above all. You are the King of all kings, and You are to be feared above all gods. You are great and greatly to be praised. There are areas in my life right now where I'm experiencing hurt. Sometimes I let this hurt distract me from pursuing You. It takes my eyes off Your goodness and love and makes me ungrateful. Lord, help me to always be grateful for You and always draw close to You because You are always good. I don't deserve Your blessings, but still, You give them to me. I have encountered challenges before that felt impossible, but You made all good things possible. I have been in places where it seemed like there was no way out, but You made a way God. Thank You for always being with me and sustaining me. You are so good. Thank You for listening to me and being with me. Help me to be dependent on You. Help me to be grateful for every circumstance. Help me to press on even when life gets rough. Teach me to recognize God's greatness in my life in all circumstances. Help me acknowledge God's goodness every day and in every way. Amen.

Zi 11Zi 13

Despre acest plan

Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your Soul

As you reflect on Scripture, you'll find the words you've been looking for and enjoy a time of conversation and meditation with the Lord. Pray aims to provide readers with peace, rest, and renewed hope.


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