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Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the GalatiansMostră

Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the Galatians

Ziua 15 din 25

Connected over the centuries

It is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham” (Galatians 3:7)

Paul is still trying to convince his readers that they can’t earn their own salvation or holiness by keeping the Old Testament laws. He has already mentioned several arguments for this. Now he cites a historical example: Abraham.

In a biological sense, only the Jews are descendants of Abraham. But Paul says that you can become a “son of Abraham” not by physical descent, but by faith in God. For already in the first book of the Bible we read how Abraham trusted God and that faith was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). So, Paul's emphasis on faith is nothing new. This principle has been true for as long as God has dealt with people. Even long ago, people were saved by faith rather than keeping laws.

Throughout history, God's plan of salvation has unfolded. The Lord Jesus came to earth to fulfill that plan. But He did not bring a new religion. The core of the Gospel has remained the same through all centuries and applies to everyone, regardless of physical origin: we can only have a restored relationship with God through faith, not by self-effort. That was true for Abraham, and it is still true for you! Do you believe that, just like Abraham did?

Zi 14Zi 16

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Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the Galatians

Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians because he was very concerned about their spiritual well-being. They were in danger of straying from the right path, and Paul goes to great lengths to keep them from that. His explanations and advice are still extremely relevant today!


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