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Growing in Trust as a Family

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Remember Your God

Leadership books will tell you in order to create a unified, successful organization, every member needs to know and be committed to the mission. Good leaders will get people to buy into that purpose, and will repeat it over and over so the group doesn’t lose sight of it. They want everyone pulling in the same direction, towards the same goal.

In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses prepares the Israelites to occupy the promised land and gets ready to hand over leadership of the people to Joshua. He spends a long time reminding the Israelites of all God had done for them. Again and again he tells them to love and obey the Lord. Almost every time he uses the name of the Lord, he reminds them that the Lord is their God. He regularly describes the character of God.

Moses commands the people to follow the Lord. He begs them to be obedient to God. He replays the mission and the standard of operation over and over: remember what the Lord has done and that he is the one who brings success.

The Lord is your God, so you must always love him and obey his laws and teachings. Remember, he corrected you and not your children. You are the ones who saw the Lord use his great power.
Deuteronomy11:1-2 (CEV)

Moses’s reminders come right back to us as leaders of our families. Our children don’t know the ways God has worked in our lives unless we tell them again and again. They won’t be as rooted in the Lord if they don’t hear, “He is our God.” They will be lost without knowing the mission.

So let’s live out loud! Teach your children at every turn that the Lord is our God, that we have seen him work repeatedly, that we know and fully expect he will continue to lead us. Build the culture of your family around these truths and make sure everyone knows the mission—to love the Lord our God and to serve him always.


Lord, you have been so good to us. I know we can trust you in everything. Help us teach our children about your faithfulness, your love, your power. Amen.


Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): What does our family believe about God? What is our family’s mission?

Apply: Consider working with your kids to write a mission statement for your family! A mission statement is a short statement of why something exists or what its overall goal is. Many businesses or organizations have mission statements. If you wrote one for your family, what would it say? Get your kids involved!


Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Deuteronomy 11:18-20

2 Timothy 4:1-2

Zi 2Zi 4

Despre acest plan

Growing in Trust as a Family

What if instead of succumbing to anxiety, buckling under pressure, or constantly worrying our children saw us turning to a God who is worthy of our trust in all of life's details? This 4-day devotional teaches parents how to walk in obedience, release control and teach children how to recognize God's faithfulness. Growing in trust is a process worth fighting for in our families.


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