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Sprout: 21 Days for the Fruit of the Spirit to Bloom in Your LifeMostră

Sprout: 21 Days for the Fruit of the Spirit to Bloom in Your Life

Ziua 12 din 21

Surprised by Kindness

By Kyle Fox

Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. —Philippians 2:4 NLT

Personality assessments used to frustrate me, but I’ve grown to appreciate them as tools. They all classify me as an introvert, which is accurate but also a little humorous considering the stories I have that begin with the Lord prompting me to start conversations with strangers. My journal is full of these stories that would shock the professional who advised me to limit my interactions with people when I struggled with social anxiety years ago.

Nick wasn’t expecting a guy visiting from Texas to awkwardly start a conversation with him while he was folding shirts at his retail job in a small mountain town. I remember telling myself how weird it was going to come across, but I knew I was supposed to talk to him. To my surprise, he responded by telling me he had recently surrendered his life to Jesus after moving across the country with initial plans to party and snowboard. We ended up grabbing coffee on his lunch break, where I learned of his desire for more Christian friends. That conversation alone made being brave and saying hello worth it, but it was just the beginning.

Several weeks after I returned home, Nick called me asking for help. He had followed through with plans to fly to Texas to visit someone but realized after arriving that he was about to put himself in a situation that wasn’t good. He didn’t know what to call it in that moment, but through kind, loving conviction, God spoke to his heart to protect him. Even though our homes were normally 13 hours apart, that particular day I was just 15 minutes away from where Nick needed to be picked up.

Some friends and I took Nick to lunch, where we caught up before dropping him off at the airport for his new flight home. While we were in the car, Nick shared about all the Lord was doing in his life, including his upcoming first mission trip with his new church. Even though we didn’t talk specifics, I could tell the thought of raising enough money to travel to Africa was daunting.

Early the next morning, the Lord woke me up with a scripture to send to Nick and a burden to help with his mission funds. I’m pretty sure I prayed, “Surely this isn’t You, Lord!” As a young adult at the time, the amount God put on my heart was the largest check I had ever written. I felt such an urgency to get it into Nick’s hands that I had it overnighted to Colorado.

Not only was the Bible verse encouraging in Nick’s season, but the check amount was exactly what he needed for his trip to be fully funded! But this whole story isn’t at all about money—it’s about a loving God letting Nick know that He saw him and was proud of him.

Nick and I remain close friends to this day, 15 years later. I have traveled across the country for his baptism. We’ve been in each other’s weddings, and our families have become friends. Even students in our respective youth ministries have established life-giving relationships. We’ve never lived in the same state, and people have even pointed out how little we have in common. But relating to someone is less about sharing interests than it is about showing an interest in who they are.

This story isn’t just about friendship. It’s not about road trips, mission funds, or introverts being brave. Kindness is the thread woven through it all. When Nick tells the story, he speaks of my kindness. When I tell it, I highlight his. But after sharing this story for years, I’ve concluded that it’s really about the Lord’s kindness toward all of us. A kind God, who desires good things for His children, operates through us when we abide in Him.

Paul tells us to not only look out for our own interests but also to take an interest in others (see Philippians 2:4). Taking an interest in someone can radically alter the trajectory of their life, but it requires us to slow down, step out, and see past our differences. Quiet or outspoken, timid or brave, new believer or seasoned Christ-follower … no matter your story, the Lord desires to show His kindness to someone through you.


Lord, thank You for choosing me to represent Your loving kindness to others. Please give me the lens to see people the way You do and the courage to step out of my comfort zone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For Further Reflection

  1. When we acknowledge what hinders us, we’re more likely to act in the moment. What insecurities do you face when you feel God nudging you to talk to someone?
  2. Stepping out to show kindness to strangers can feel awkward and even scary. Relying on our feelings will hold us back, but relying on the God who fills us will move us forward every time. To whom is God asking you to show kindness today?
Zi 11Zi 13

Despre acest plan

Sprout: 21 Days for the Fruit of the Spirit to Bloom in Your Life

This 21-day devotional is packed full of biblical truths and encouraging stories about how the Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your life. Each day as you reflect on what it means to abide in Christ as the Vine, you'll begin to see the fruit of the Spirit bloom in your life!


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