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A Week of Worship and ThanksgivingMostră

A Week of Worship and Thanksgiving

Ziua 5 din 7

As We Pray...

In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:9-10

This simple prayer outline that Lord Jesus gives–which we call The Lord’s Prayer–is extraordinary. It starts with our declaring who God is. Our Father. Our Abba-Daddy loves us beyond reason. When this truth becomes rock-solid heart knowledge for us, our faith is pretty much invincible. Yes. Our Father. Yours and mine, and His Name–no other name–is HOLY.

All prayer should begin with worship and thanks. When we get that right, our prayer requests pretty much take care of themselves. When our alone times begin with worshiping in spirit and truth, and we have created a place where we sense His felt presence, almost nothing else that concerns us matters (Ps. 22:3). We know He has us and our burdens.

When we lean into Daddy’s embrace with thankful hearts–and stay there–we begin to comprehend that He already understands what we need (Mt. 6:8). Help is on the way.

Because our praise brings heaven down, asking for His will to be accomplished is not passive acquiescence but spiritual warfare at its most potent and dynamic. We are declaring God’s rule and reign, usurping any and every plan of the enemy or flesh that is waging war against us. Here we receive His invitation to partner with Him in battle prayer for our lives, homes, communities, and nations (1 Cor. 3:9).

It all begins with our lifting Spirit-filled adoration as we climb into our Father’s arms.

Think of five characteristics you adore about your Heavenly Father, then take time to worship Him.

Zi 4Zi 6

Despre acest plan

A Week of Worship and Thanksgiving

Throughout God’s Word, we find the passport to His presence is our thanksgiving and worship. Yet the busyness of our over-scheduled lives can nudge us out of that sweet spot of unbridled thanks and adoration that aligns our hearts and minds toward Him. Now, let’s choose instead to lift our gaze towards the One Who loves us beyond reason and enter His courts with praise. Are you ready?


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