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Discipleship & Commitment

Ziua 1 din 3

In John 6, we read something special. Jesus is teaching in the synagogue. And then it says that some of His disciples, the people who follow Him, find the words of Jesus too hard. Too difficult. They begin to grumble. There is some unbelief. And eventually many of them withdraw. They turn away and no longer follow Jesus.

Time for Jesus to use a good 'marketing' tool and recruit some new followers. But no, that's not how Jesus does it. He asks the remaining group a stunning question: "Don't you want to leave too?"

Any marketer would take Jesus aside and say, "Excuse me Master, but this is going to cost you even more followers soon there will be no one left." But no, Jesus does this. He asks the question and does not do any kind of marketing: "Will you please come with me?" Jesus asks for a voluntary, but radical commitment:

"...If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24).

So, "Don't you want to go away too?"

Peter gives a wonderful answer, picking up on what Jesus just said in His speech that turned many people away (verse 68). Peter says: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have believed and recognised that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (John 6:68).

We must focus on Him and follow Him. Not because it is easy but because He alone is life ánd gives life.

He and He alone.

Take the following questions to think about:

  • What about your commitment to Jesus?
  • Which group of people in this history do you belong to? Why?
  • What would you say to Jesus if He asked you, "Don't you want to go too?" Why?
  • What lessons do you draw from Mark 10:27-31?

Express your (renewed) commitment to Jesus and ask Him, as your Master, to help you.

Zi 2

Despre acest plan

Discipleship & Commitment

Jesus asks a lot from his followers. He asks for commitment and He sets the bar high. In this plan, you will work with this theme in a few days. What does the Bible say? What does Jesus say and how can you practise this?


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