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The Send: A Life of Christ-Like ActionMostră

The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action

Ziua 13 din 30

Today, we’ll encounter Jesus’ second feeding miracle, the third boat scene where his disciples are confused, and the second of three times in Mark where Jesus heals someone’s hearing or sight. When studying the Bible, as a rule of thumb, if we notice patterns, we can assume the author is using it intentionally to make a point.

In focus here is the paradox of faith on which Jesus taught in chapter 4—that “whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” There, Jesus quoted Isaiah with reference to the crowds—they saw but didn’t perceive, heard, and didn’t understand. Here, Jesus turns this same line on his own disciples. How is it that they still have such little faith after everything they’ve seen and heard?

The answer to this question is the same reason why Jesus refused the Pharisees’ request for a sign from heaven—because seeing doesn’t guarantee believing. But, to truly see, we first need to step forward in faith. Unless we recognize God in Jesus’ words and actions, no amount of proof will convince us to follow him.

But how does one come to recognize God? How can someone see while he or she is still blind?

Mark 8:22-26 shows us that Jesus has the power to open blind eyes, and it hints that the disciples’ spiritual blindness will also only be cured by an act of his power. We can take encouragement from the disciples’ struggles. They misunderstood and made mistakes, but they had a little bit of faith to keep them following after Jesus. And to those who have even a little, Jesus gives more.

Reflection Questions:

  • How is God speaking to me through these verses?
  • What does this set of verses teach me about God?
  • What does this show me about the good news of Jesus?
  • How can I apply what I read today?


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Despre acest plan

The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action

We are a part of the war on inaction! As we join in the Great Commission together, we also want to understand what this mission truly is. Join us on a 30-day journey through the Gospel of Mark as we explore who Jesus is and how his time on earth should lead us into a life of Christ-like action.


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