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Work Is A Gift Of Grace

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Work is a Blessing 

After God created man and woman, Adam and Eve, He chose to give them the gift of "overseeing His creation". Neither Adam nor Eve had done anything to earn or deserve this gift from God. This is an example of grace: God's unmerited favor. 

The privilege of working with God in His garden is seen in Genesis, with the Hebrew word that is translated to “fruitful.” God tells human beings to be fruitful and multiply. The Hebrew word, “parah,” means to bear fruit but we often attach it to the word “multiply,” which can be interpreted to mean having children. It can also be translated as being productive. In other words, God’s mandate to Adam and Eve was to be productive – go produce by taking dominion and subduing creation on behalf of God. He tells them to bear fruit through their tending and keeping. His blessing would be upon them. 

Through Genesis, we see the expansion of the Hebrew word “parah.” Adam and Eve’s work was to tend and keep. It was also to enjoy because they were working alongside God as His creation and in His creation. This is an undeserved honor and privilege. 

When my sons were growing up, the time came for them to learn how to care for our lawn. I had always taken great care to keep my yard looking nice, therefore, I took the time to teach my boys how to tend and keep it. I am pretty certain they did not see this as a privilege! Once they learned, I turned over the responsibility to them. It was not easy to do so, because they did not always tend to the yard in the manner in which I had. However, they did, overall, do a good job. Now, look at what God did. He turned over the tending and caring of His creation to His creation. This is an incredible gift of grace because Adam and Eve did not earn this privilege. This was done through God’s grace. 

Most of us know that the fall happened next. Yet, even after they sinned, we still see God’s hand on Adam and Eve. Though they deserved death for their sin, God allowed them to work the land. The gift of work was introduced before the entrance of sin. Work is not a punishment for sin, though it was affected by sin. Work was given by God to be a blessing. It is part of the promise that He made to human beings. God’s creation would be a blessing to them, and they were given the privilege of caring for His creation. 

Zi 1Zi 3

Despre acest plan

Work Is A Gift Of Grace

Have we ever stopped to think of work in a proper Biblical perspective? Work is what consumes the majority of our weekly and waking hours. Through this plan we will see what Scriptures say about work. Work is a gift of grace from God.


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