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Sketchy People

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The Samaritan woman was sketchy for all kinds of reasons. She came to the well to draw water when no one else was there because she was a social outcast in her village due to the way she lived. On top of that, she was especially sketchy to a Jewish man like Jesus, because she was a Samaritan and a woman. But Jesus didn’t let any of that stop him from having a conversation with her. He, in essence, tells her, “I know who you are and what you’ve done, but let me reveal myself to you. I am the Messiah, the Living Water.”


1. When is a time you avoided Jesus because of a sketchy situation or behavior in your life? 

2. Do you sometimes feel afraid or unworthy of coming to Jesus because of your past?

Jesus can have conversations with us even if we're in a sketchy season in our lives. Jesus didn’t shy away from talking to the Samaritan woman, even though He had plenty of excuses to avoid her. Nothing can separate us from His love. Conversations with Jesus during sketchy times can be transforming experiences, changing us from the inside out.

Maybe you have a friend who is in a sketchy season of their life. I encourage you to do as the Samaritan woman did with the people in her village—go and tell them about the transformative and genuine love of Jesus. 

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Sketchy People

Do you have situations, behaviors, or habits in your life that are a little bit sketchy? You’re in good company. We’ve all been there, including some familiar people from the Bible. How did Jesus react to them and intera...


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