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Biblical Leadership – Success as a Christ-Centered LeaderMostră

Biblical Leadership – Success as a Christ-Centered Leader

Ziua 2 din 6

The Real You.

In the last reading, we were reminded of our new identity in Christ:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  – 2 Corinthians 5:17

While the truth of this verse is central to our faith, how does this fit with your daily life? And what does it have to do with your role as a leader in your work?

Application of a spiritual concept such as this to your daily life requires more than a Sunday message, so today’s reading should help.

Let’s start by checking how you present yourself in various situations:

  • · With your team at work – fairly proper & decisive
  • · With the kids – playful but also authoritative 
  • · With your spouse – relaxed & tender
  • · At church – reserved or maybe even pious
  • · Around town – who knows?

Even though you’re the same person in each situation, you will show (or hide) certain aspects of yourself, depending on the situation you’re in.

So who is the real you? And how does that fit with your Christian walk?

In the Bible, we read this: 

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”   – 1 Samuel 16:7

It’s like your various roles: you reveal (different) outward appearances to others, but God looks at our heart – at your true self.

Focusing back on your leadership position, success is maximized when you can lead from your true self rather than an outside set of characteristics or standards.

To help understand this, think about someone you know who wanted to become a manager or a leader, even though they might not have been cut out for it. Once they stepped into leadership, they likely struggled, trying hard to be someone they’re not. They certainly had to work harder than expected to complete tasks commonly associated with the role.

In short, they’re in a job that doesn't match who God created them to be.

What about you?

Do you feel comfortable and energized in your leadership role? If so, that’s a good sign that you’re on the right path.

Similarly, you ought to feel comfortable and even energized by living out your faith at work. As a Christian, you are a new creation, and keeping that packed away or trying hard to be something else is not the best way forward.

Inconsistencies between your identity and who you are in your leadership generates unnecessary stress, and possibly also failure. 

In the same way, trying to keep your Christianity packed away inside at work leads to spiritual stress, with negative impact as well. 

Effective leadership comes from within, which means not hiding your true self as you lead others. Trying be someone that you’re not is less effective and a hindrance to your best success. 

Remember who Christ created you to be, what calling He has given you, and then work to fulfill His purposes in your leadership role. 

Accepting this as your starting point will maximize your impact and eventual success.

Reflection / Application

1. Do you feel energized by your work as a leader? Why or why not?

2. Do you see yourself as a different person in church on Sunday versus in a meeting on Monday? If so, why? 

3. In Christ you are a new creation. What does that mean for you in your leadership role?

Zi 1Zi 3

Despre acest plan

Biblical Leadership – Success as a Christ-Centered Leader

This series of short meditations builds on the teachings of the Bible to explore what it really means to be a Christ-centered leader, how to become one and what challenges you might face. Join us as we dig out truth from the Bible to help you on your leadership path.


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