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Growing Deeper

Ziua 21 din 30

The Scripture Matters

DAY 21


Jesus, I know that prayer is our way of communicating with You and that scripture is Your primary way of communicating with us. Your word is living and active, and You speak to us through it. Thank You for preserving Your written word, I know that it will accomplish the purpose for which You sent it. I ask that Your Holy Spirit help me to read, understand, and apply the scriptures to my life. Through the scriptures I will learn how You think instead of always being guided by what I think. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13. The words of scripture are not merely human words about God but rather God’s very word about Himself.


Use a device, a journal, or index cards to write down passages of scripture that are important for you to continually read or memorize. If you are not sure what passages to use, reach out to another Christ follower and ask about passages that would be helpful for your growth in Christ. 

Zi 20Zi 22

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