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A Woman Of Significance: Overcoming Stress Mostră

A Woman Of Significance: Overcoming Stress

Ziua 5 din 5

A Place of Quiet Rest

In seasons of busyness and stress, isn’t it reassuring to know that the Father has a better plan for us? God has an all-encompassing solution for busyness, and it’s called “peace.” He has an antidote for stress, and it’s called “rest.” While you might feel that your life is spiraling out of control, know that even in the midst of a cyclone of anxiety, there is a place of quiet rest.

Let me assure you that even during seasons in which you feel utterly consumed due to the stresses of life, you can still reach this state of peace. If you can remain peaceful and unruffled when the world is warring around you, you have learned the sweet secret of God’s wonderful presence.

It is vital to order your life in such a way that when you make it through a season of breathless busyness, you can enjoy a season of respite. Your body was not designed to live at full throttle for eighty years. You were made with a deep need for rest. Rest will restore and rejuvenate you for the next season of intense activity.

God created our bodies for a six-day cycle of work, followed by a day of restorative rest. He created animals for rest as well. Did you know that even He took a day of rest, setting aside work after He had created the world in which we live? Because God ceased from His work for a period, and He created us to have built-in times of rest, I have a feeling that your body demands and deserves that rest!

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 NASB)

Rest is found wherever our heavenly Father is. Rest is found when you come to the Lord with your problems, your trials, and your schedule, and you lay it all at His feet. Rest is the quiet confidence that God radiates to all who will take the time to respond to His call to “Come.”

It’s only in coming to God that you have any chance at all of living a stress-free life. Even within the onslaught of an exhaustive daily existence, you can have His peace when you determine to come to Him. Doesn’t that sound like a perfectly lovely invitation?

Practical Application:

Today, would you write me an email at and let me know how I can pray for you in your journey to overcome stress and live in the peace and rest of God’s presence? I look forward to hearing from you!

Zi 4

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A Woman Of Significance: Overcoming Stress

Stress has a way of piling up in a woman’s life until she is unable to make quality decisions, enter into meaningful conversation, or enjoy what she has been given. You were not created to be an anxious woman whose life is being frittered away at the altar of busyness. You are a woman of significance, created for joy, peace, and eternal impact!
