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Hebrews: Christ Is Greater and BetterMostră

Hebrews: Christ Is Greater and Better

Ziua 20 din 22

The Basis For Worship.
Read Hebrews 12:18-28

We do not belong to Sinai. We belong to Zion. We fear not because we belong to the new order, which cannot be shaken. We look at Sinai and rejoice that we have witnessed its fulfilment in Zion. And we worship the Lord.

Moses and the people of Israel met God at Mount Sinai (vs 18-21; Exodus 19-20). God’s holiness (v 20) and majesty were displayed dramatically. Though these are unfamiliar to us we must always remember to come to God in a reverent manner.

Zion was a fortress in Jerusalem, the city of David (2 Samuel 5:7) which was the earthly dwelling place of God during David’s time. But we have with us the heavenly (or the spiritual) and not the earthly Jerusalem (v 22). We do not have the city of David but the city of the living God whose majesty is seen in the thousands of angels (v 22). The angels are ministering spirits (1:14) but then we will be worshiping God with them (v 22b). We come to Jesus, the judge and also the mediator of this new covenant. Abel's blood cries in protest while Jesus’ blood cleanses all our sins and we are being presented clean and made holy.

While the heavenly Jerusalem is in the future (v 26) we are always confident of receiving it (v 28). Our attitude should be one of gratitude and reverence. Let us lead a life of worship.

Our destiny is clear and until then there is only one thing to do: worship God and obey Him.

Zi 19Zi 21

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Hebrews: Christ Is Greater and Better

These devotional readings from Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia are written from the thoughts and insights of Asian writers. Hebrews gives us a detailed description of who Jesus is and his work of salvation for all ma...


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