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Your Journey Through GriefMostră

Your Journey Through Grief

Ziua 4 din 14

DAY FOUR: Asking God Questions 

The death of a loved one usually brings up questions about God, faith, life, death, heaven, hell, eternity, and more. Whatever your previous relationship with God was like, walking through grief may challenge aspects of your faith. 

One powerful truth in the Isaiah scripture for today is in the word reason. The original Hebrew word could also be translated as “debate” or even “argue.” God invites us to bring our questions to Him. He can handle it.

When their brother Lazarus died, Martha and Mary said to Jesus something like, “Lord, why didn’t You get here sooner so You could have kept our brother from dying?” In twenty-first-century English, WHY?

Asking WHY doesn’t mean you have lost your faith. God’s best friends throughout the Bible asked WHY in various ways.

It’s possible to question God with a rebellious heart, trying to tell Him what to do. That’s not what I’m saying. 

But bringing your questions to God as a child would to a loving parent is exactly what you should be doing with them. Don’t pretend they are not there. (And no need to manufacture questions you don’t feel.) 

Bring your questions to God. You won’t make Him mad at you. Doing so can often lead you into an even deeper relationship with Him going forward. 

Zi 3Zi 5

Despre acest plan

Your Journey Through Grief

Don’t get over it. Get through it. Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley helps you discover your unique path through the grieving process in this powerful fourteen-day journey.


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