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Sealm 5

Sealm V
Ðe fifta sealm ys gecweden “Dauides sealm,” þone he sang be his sylfes frofre and be herenesse ealra ðæra rihtwisena ðe secað yrfeweardnesse on heofonrice mid Criste, se ys ende ealra ðinga; and ælc mann þe þisne sealm singð, he hine singð be his sylfes frofre; and swa dyde Ezechias, þa he alysed wæs of his mettrumnesse; and swa dyde Crist, þa he alysed wæs fram Iudeum.
1Drihten, onfoh min word mid þinum earum,
and ongyt mine stemne and min gehrop,
2and ðenc þara worda minra gebeda,
for ðam ic gebidde on dægred to ðe.
3Ac gedo þæt þu gehyre min gebed, Drihten.
Ic stande on ærmergen beforan ðe æt gebede and seo þe
(þæt is, þæt ic ongite þinne willan butan tweon and eac þone wyrce),
4for ðam þu eart se ylca God þe nan unriht nelt.
Ne mid þe ne wunað se yfelwillenda,
5ne þa unrihtwisan ne wuniað beforan þinum eagum.
Þu hatast ealle þa þe unriht wyrcað
and þæt ne forlætað ne his ne hreowsiað;
6and þu fordest þa þe symle leasinga specað.
And þa manslagan and þa swicolan þu forsyhst.
7Ic þonne hopiende to þinre þære myclan mildheortnesse,
ic gange to þinum huse, Drihten,
and me gebidde to þinum halgan altare, on ðinum ege.
8Drihten, læd me on þine rihtwisnesse fram minra feonda willan;
geriht minne weg beforan þinre ansyne
(se weg ys min weorc),
9for ðam on minra feonda muðe is leasuncg,
and heora mod is swiðe idel.
Heora mod and heora wilnuncg ys swa deop swa grundleas pytt,
and heora tungan sprecað symle facn;
10ac dem him, Drihten.
And gedo þæt hy ne mægen don þæt yfel þæt hy þencað and sprecað;
ac be þære andefne heora unrihtwisnesse fordrif hi,
for þam hy ðe gremiað and þine þeowas, Drihten.
11And blissian ealle þa þe to ðe hopiað,
and fægnian on ecnesse - and, þu, wuna on him -
and fægnian þin, ealle þa þe lufiað þinne naman,
12for þam þu eart se Drihten þe gebletsast and geblissast rihtwise.
Þu us gecoronadest and geweorðadest
and us gescyldst mid þam scylde þinre welwilnesse.

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Sealm 5: ASPsa





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