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(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 16

1After the Day of Resting was over, Strong Tears (Mary) of the village of Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala) and Brooding Tears (Mary) the mother of He Takes Charge (James), along with Peaceful Woman (Salome), brought herbal spices to rub into the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 2So, on the first day of the week, they came to the burial cave very early in the morning just as the sun was rising.
3They were asking each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the opening of the burial cave?”
4But when they arrived, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled away. 5When they went inside the burial cave, they saw a young man, dressed in a pure white garment, sitting to the right side of the cave. This filled the women with fear that covered them like a blanket.
6“Do not fear!” the young man said to them, “The one you are looking for is not here! Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth), who was killed on the cross, has returned to life. See for yourselves. Here is where they laid him. 7Now go and tell his followers, and Stands on the Rock (Peter), that he is going ahead of them to Circle of Nations (Galilee). It is there that they will see him again—just as he told them.”
8Terror and amazement came upon the women, and they ran as fast as they could from the burial cave.#16:8 Most ancient manuscripts end at this verse. Some others include verses 9-20, as we have in this translation.
9When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) returned to life on the first day of the week, he showed himself first to a woman, Strong Tears (Mary) of the village of Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala), the one he had set free from seven evil spirits. 10She went to his followers, who were still grieving and weeping, and told them what she had seen and heard. 11But when they heard that she had seen Creator Sets Free (Jesus) alive, they would not believe it.
12On the same day Creator Sets Free (Jesus) also appeared to two of his followers as they were walking in the countryside, but in a different form, so they did not recognize him. 13But when they returned and told the others, no one believed them.
14Later, at another time, he showed himself to the eleven message bearers while they were sitting around a table eating a meal. He scolded them for their hard hearts and failure to believe the others who had seen him alive.
15“Go into all the world,” he instructed them, “and tell the good story about me to all of creation. 16The ones who trust in me will participate in the purification ceremony,#16:16 Baptism setting them free from their broken ways and initiating them into my sacred family. But the ones who will not walk this road with me#16:16 Lit. believe will come to a bad end.
17“Powerful signs will follow the ones who follow me. Here are some of the things they will do in my name, representing who I am: They will force out evil spirits, 18pick up and throw out snakes, and even if they drink deadly poison it will not harm them. They will speak in new languages and heal the sick by laying hands on them.”
19When he was finished speaking to them, Creator Sets Free (Jesus), our great chief and Wisdomkeeper, was taken up into the spirit-world above to sit down at the right hand of the Great Spirit—the place of greatest honor, dignity, and power.
20His followers then went out from there, far and wide, telling everyone the story of Creator’s good road. Our Honored Chief through his Spirit continued to walk with them, showing his approval of their message by powerful signs.
Aho! May it be so!





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