(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 19:25-27
(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 19:25-27 FNVNT
Standing near the cross was Bitter Tears (Mary) , the mother of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) , who had come to see him, along with her sister. Two other women also came with her, Brooding Tears (Mary) the wife of Trader (Clopas) , and Strong Tears (Mary) from Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala) . He Shows Goodwill (John) , the much-loved follower of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) , was also there with them. When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked down and saw them, he said to his mother, “Honored woman, look to your son.” Then he said to his follower, “Look to your mother.” From that time the follower took Bitter Tears (Mary) into his family and cared for her.