(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 16
1“I am telling you these things to keep you from stumbling away from the path. 2The tribal leaders will force you out of their gathering houses. The time will come when they will put you to death, thinking they are doing what the Great Spirit wants, 3all because they do not know me or my Father. 4I am telling you this so when the time comes you will remember I told you ahead of time. I did not tell these things from the first because I was with you— 5but now I am going away.
“I am returning to the one who sent me, but none of you are asking, ‘Where are you going?’ You are thinking only of yourselves 6because my words have made your hearts fall to the ground. 7I speak from my heart, it is better for you that I go away. If I remain, the one who will guide you will not come. If I go, I will send him to you.
8“When the Holy Spirit comes, he will clearly show the wrong ways of this world, the right ways of the spirit-world above, and the answer that will be required of them in the end. 9He will show them that the answer to their broken ways is to trust in me. 10The right ways of the spirit-world above will come when I return to the Father and they no longer see me. 11The final decision about this world will come because Accuser (Satan)—the ruler of this world—has been found guilty.
12“There are many more things I want to say to you, but your hearts are not strong enough to hear them now. 13When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will be the one to tell you. He will be your one true spirit guide and will lead you down the path of truth. He will fully represent me and will tell you only what I have told him. The Spirit will show you what is coming on the road ahead. 14He will honor me by making known to you everything I have shown him. 15All that I am and all that I have comes from the Father. He has not held back one thing from me, and the Spirit will not hold back anything from you.
16“Soon I will be gone and you will not be able to see me, and then after a little while you will see me again.”
17-18His followers began to whisper to each other, “What is he saying? We do not know what he means by ‘a little while’ and not seeing him and then seeing him again. What does he mean by ‘I go to the Father’?”
19Creator Sets Free (Jesus) knew what they wanted to ask him, so he said, “You want to know what I meant when I said ‘soon you will not see me, but then you will see me again.’
20“I speak from my heart. Your tears will be many, and your hearts will fall to the ground, because of what will happen to me, but the world around you will have glad hearts. 21All of you will be filled with sorrow, but your sorrow will turn into dancing!
“When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow, for her time of pain has come. But when she gives birth to her child, she forgets her pain, for a new human being has been born into the world. 22It will be the same for you. You will have sorrow for now, but when I see you again, you will dance for joy. And no one will be able to take your joy from you.
23-24“When that time comes, your questions will be answered, not by asking me but by asking the Father himself. You will then ask the Father in my name, fully representing me. I know you have never asked in this way before, but it is now time. I speak from my heart. When you ask in this new way, the Father will answer, and your hearts will know the full meaning of joy.
25“I have told you truths from the spirit-world above, using earthly stories. The time is coming when I will not have to use stories but will tell you plainly about the Father. When that time comes, you will not need me to ask the Father for you, because you will ask him yourself. 26When you ask in my name, you are representing me. 27Your love and trust in me will bring the Father’s love to you—full circle. 28You now believe that I came from the Great Spirit. Yes, I came into this world from the Father, and now I am leaving this world and returning to the Father.”
29His followers said to him, “Now you are speaking plainly to us instead of using stories! 30We now see that you know all things and can answer a question before it is asked. This helps us to believe that you came from the Great Spirit.”
31“You say you believe now,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to them, 32“but soon you will all be scattered and return to your families. You will leave me alone, but I will not be alone, for my Father is with me.
33“I have told you all these things so you will have my peace. This world is full of sorrow, pain and trouble, but have strong hearts, for I have defeated the world.”
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(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 16: FNVNT

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